Search Results for: verb tenses


Past simple lesson

Elementary level

In this lesson, students learn about the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense for regular verbs ’watch/watched’ and the focus will be on meaning, form, and pronunciation as well. The student will learn when to use the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b>.



Upper intermediate, b2 level

in this lesson, students will learn wish + <b>simple</b> <b>past</b>/ <b>past</b> perfect. The lesson will be started with a brief warm up about the concept of regret. Then, they will read a text about some people who commented about if they feel regretful or not. In pairs, students will discuss about the comments and will say if they are agree or disagree with the comments. Then, they have to underline the wish sentences and write the tense of the verb after the word “wish”. After feedback o...


TP-6: Functions

Elementary level


TP 8 Ahmed Nouri

Elementary level

At the start of this lesson the students will listen to a conversation between two people talking about their cross Canada trip experience in the context of the holiday destination. The Ss will identify and tick some words and expressions they will hear. The Ss will practice using the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> : was/were, in the affirmative, negative and question forms through some exercises in the context of holiday to canada. The Ss will have the opportunity to practice their speakin...




In this lesson, the Ss are going to listen to a story about a modern painting in which they are supposed to fill in the gaps with <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> verbs which they see in the two previous exercises.


CELTA Teaching Practice 8

Pre-intermediate adults level

In this lesson students practice speaking for fluency by describing and summarizing movie plot lines using the informal present <b>simple</b> tense. Some phrasal verbs related to relationships are pre-taught. Reading skills are developed as students read about the plot lines they will describe to their partners.


Was/were past tense grammar lesson - Haya Zaghal - TP6

Global elementary a2 level

In this lesson the students will learn the <b>past</b> tense of the verb to be with its forms and practice it


TP 8 Grammar

Upper-intermediate level


Lexis: Irregular Verbs / Week-End

Beginner level

In this lesson, students learn about the <b>past</b> tense of the irregular verbs "go", "see", "read" and "write". We start with a brainstorm activity and then move the focus of the class to the target language, starting with controlled activities that use jumbled sentences and gap-fills, before introducing additional descriptory language in a matching game. Then everyone will write a couple of sentences about their own weekend.


News ; Past Simple ( Irregular and Regular verbs

Elementary , a2 level

In this lesson students learn the usage <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> tense ; regular and irregular verbs in the context of News.
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