Search Results for: going to


Grammar | Present Continuous/be going to for future; Vocabulary | time out; How to | talk about plans

Pre-intermediate b1 level

In this lesson, SS learn about present continuous/be going to through the guided discovery based on the calendar notes. The lesson starts with a discussion about Time Out, then SS do matching game. This is followed by pair work, where SS look at the photos and discuss. Finally, they learn about present continuous/ be going to for future and do dome exercises.


Celebrity Heros

Upper-intermediate level

In this lesson, SS are going to be asked to scan the paragraphs given to them, and to find out a best title that describes the paragraph. Also, they are going to match the underlined words in the texts to the given definitions. SS are going to discuss in pars their celebrity then they will ask each other questions about their celebrity. The SS will be given HO contains vocabularies from the lesson. Lastly, they are going to play adjective game.


past simple

Elemantry level

in this session students are going to learn about <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> by using a reading about what jack and his dad did yesterday, they are also going to talk about what they did last night and they will do some exercises to understand the subject better.


Writing an email - Inviting someone to go out

Beginners level

In this lesson students will write an email. As they are beginners, they will write the email in pair. Together, they will invite another pair to go out with them. The students will first do controlled practice, a fill the gap exercise, where they have to select the right word from the box. After checking and correcting, clarifying the essential vocabulary, they will have to write an email to invite/accept/decline another pair to go out with them. I have chosen to do the controlled practice...


Past simple- Interrogative

Elementary level

In this lesson the Ss will learn the interrogative form of <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> through guided discovery, the Ss will learn some chunks of language related to vacation/ holiday and Ss will learn <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> interrogative form pronunciation. The lesson starts with a conversation about going on holiday and after that, we are going to work on some chunks of language related to the warm-up. Then, the Teacher will introduce the pictures of the reading and through guided discover...


If something can go wrong

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson the students are going to learn some new vocabularies about natural disasters.They will also focus on their listening skill.



Intermediate level

Students will practice speaking in the context of going out with friends. the lesson will start with a lead in by asking few questions and a freer group or pair discussion about going out. This is followed by pre-teaching vocabulary slides. Then students will watch and answer questions of practice 2a page 74. They will watch again and do task 2b. After that they will watch again and do task 2c page 74. Students will practice the conversation in task c which is practice f page 75. At the end, ...


TP: 7b Life Changes . Grammar / be going to

Beginner, a1 level

In this lesson, students learn about 'be going to' for future arrangements, plans through guided discovery based on some pictures. The lesson will start with a discussion about our future plans. This is followed by presentation, meaning, pronunciation and form. Finally, there is some controlled practice through sentence reformulation and practice via a final 'what are my plans?' speaking activity.


Going out - lead in

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson students will know about listening for gist(main idea)and listening for specific information .First of all,I am going to prepare students to get the concept across .I am going to show them three pictures of famous people I would like to meet ."I would like to go on a date with ....... .ask them about their favourite character to raise their interest in the topic .Second,pre teaching for vocabulary used for the task.I will check instructions and let them listen to tap .sts w...


Going out Lesson,Reading Lesson

Elementary level

In this lesson, students will have practiced reading in the context of going out, they will learn how to use some verbs to express the action they are doing, also they will practice speaking activities.
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