James Bocock James Bocock

Assessed TP3
Beginner level


In this lesson students will learn vocabulary relating to clothing along with colours and the adjective "favourite." The lead-in will be "I'm going on a date, what should I wear?" It will focus on speaking and listening. After the introduction, clothing vocabulary will be presented. Then colour vocabulary, followed by eliciting favourite. Students will look at a HO with four people wearing different clothes and identify clothing, listen to a recording and answer questions about it, ask students what they wear, and then do a mingle activity for discussing favourites.


Abc R6.14
Abc HO on R6.14
Abc HO of pg. 52 pictures
Abc HO on Usually-Sometimes-Never
Abc Different coloured-pieces of paper
Abc HO Favourites Chart

Main Aims

  • Vocabulary: presenting and practicing clothing and color vocabulary.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening: students will listen to a text for specific information.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • Activate schemata: clothing

1. Draw a stick figure woman on the board. Give her a generic name (Ayse). Say I like her. Elicit the word "date." 2. Ask students what I need to consider. "What is important?" Try to elicit where we go and what I should wear.

Lexis (10-11 minutes) • Semi-controlled speaking to elicit lexical set clothes and colours and the word "favourite."

1. Ask students what should be worn on the date. Attempt to elicit the whole set. 2. Ask students what type of shirt I am wearing in order to elicit colours. Put coloured paper on the board, elicit colours' names, write names beneath them in black. 3. Tell students I want to wear a blue shirt, because I like it the most, and say "It is my..." to elicit favourite. 4. WCFB through HO to see they understand what each clothing item is. 5. Drill particularly difficult words.

Listening (7-8 minutes) • Practice listening for information.

1. Distribute the HO on R6.14. 2. Play the recording. 3. Monitor as students listen. Very likely that recording will be played a second time. 4. Do WCFB. Have students ask each other the questions. Drill difficult-to-pronounce words.

Writing (9-11 minutes) • Writing for accuracy, continued use of the lexis

1. Explain usually-sometimes-never HO. Give example on board. Ask students to write their own sentences. ICQ: What questions are you answering? What is your response (call on someone)? 2. Distribute HO. 3. Monitor students as they write sentences. Watch for any common errors. 4. Ask students to ask students next to them the questions. ICQ: What are you (call on someone) asking (the person next to him/her)? What is your answer (the person next to him/her)? 5. Get FB from a few students.

Grammar (10-11 minutes) • Teach This/These

1. Tell the class "I'm wearing my favourite shoes." 2. Say "Black New Balance shoes are my favourite shoes." Point out it is a long explanation. 3. Ask for a shorter way to say it in order to elicit "these." 4. Do the same thing for my shirt in order to elicit "this." 5. Ask class "Are you wearing your favourite shoes?" Ask a person who raised their hand "What are your favourite shoes?" Elicit "These are my favourite shoes." Write "What are your favourite shoes?" on the board and mark the tie between What and are. 6. Ask class "Ask your neighbour What is your favourite shirt?" then "What are your favourite pants?" and "What are your favourite shoes?" Write these questions on the board since they are long. 7. Say "A good answer is "black shoes," or "red shoes" or another color. If you are not wearing your favourite shoes, please say the colour of your favourite shoes. 8. ICQ's: Ask the student who is wearing his/her favourite shoes "What are your favourite shoes?" to elicit "These..." then ask someone who didn't raise their hand for shoes, and ask "What are your favourite shoes?" to elicit "(color) shoes." 9. FB, ask 3 students about their neighbour's favourite shirts.

(If Time) Speaking (5-10 minutes) • Semi-Controlled speaking to practice asking and telling favourites.

1. Hold up the HO, and tell students "Let's ask each other about our favourites. Let's do this together." 2. Point to Restaurant on the chart, ask a student "What is your favourite restaurant?" get the response, write it down, write his/her name, and tell the class "I go to someone else. I ask another question." 3. ICQ: Ask a student to ask a student next to him/her a question from the chart. Ask the student, "What do you do now?" to make sure he/she asks the other person next to him/her another question. 4. Listen for correct and incorrect questions.

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