Aylin Sofu Aylin Sofu

TP5 - Functional Language
Intermediate level


In this lesson, sts will learn and practice functional language about requests and offers through listening and speaking exercises about shopping in a clothing store, using the "retail store" word family vocabulary. Sts will end the lesson with a role-play in pairs, taking turns to be different characters.


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Main Aims

  • to present and practice "requests and offers" functional language in the context of shopping at a retail store

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice listening for specific words and controlled speaking in a role-play activity


Lead-in (5 minutes) • to set the context of the TL and get sts interested

T opens PWP, asks sts to identify the logos of low-brand retail stores familiar to them. CCQ: "What do these stores sell?" (clothes). Next slide (pazar), T asks sts to review the word learned yesterday "Market." Next slide, T shows sts designer brand names. Asks "What do all of these places have in common?" (they all sell clothes). T asks, "How are all of these places different?" (low quality v. high quality). CCQs: "(picture of market). Is this place low quality or high quality?" (low). "(picture of designer brands) are these places low or high quality?" (high). "(picture of low-brand stores) are these places low or high quality?" (Medium). T explains to sts that it's a matter of personal opinion. That not everybody holds the same importance or value in the same things when it comes to material things such as clothes. T shows PWP slide 5. Asks sts to work individually to rate the listed criteria having to do with clothes in order from 1-5 in terms of personal importance to them. T instructs sts to dicuss in groups of 3 or 4 why they chose what they chose.

Listening 1 (5 minutes) • for sts to practice their receptive listening for gist skill with the TL in context

T explains that sts will listen to a recording of 5 conversations taking place in retail stores with customers asking for different things or information. T gives sts HO1 and explains that for the first activity, sts will simply look at the the pictures while listening to the recording and decide which store the text sounds like it could have taken place in. Sts work alone. T asks individual sts for the answers in WCFB. If possible, T elicits a short explanation why from sts explaining their thought process behind choosing that answer.

Listening 2 (5-7 minutes) • to get sts to practice their receptive listening for specific details skill in context

T explains to sts that they will listen to the same recording again, and number on the HO2 the conversation in which the customer is asking for the thing or piece of information listed on the HO. Sts work individually. T gives HO2. Sts do PWFB before T shows the answers on Slide 6 in the PWP.

Language Focus Activity (10 minutes) • to test sts on their memory and understanding with the TL phrases from the listening text to be used in the role-play speaking activity to come.

T explains that sts will match the phrases from the customer to the responses from the assistant. T gives HO3 and has sts do PW for 5min. WCFB using pwp. T elicits answers from sts to Q's. Then elicits who is saying what by asking, "Who is saying these things? (the customer v. the assistant)" T makes half of the class the customer character and the other half the class the assistant. Together they drill through the phrases, using substitution clothing vocabulary to challenge the sts. T asks sts, "what words do we use when we want to politely ask for something? What verbs and words do you see here that make the phrases polite?" Go through CCQ about meaning and form of phrases. (see LA)

Speaking (5 minutes) • to get sts to produce functional TL in role-play speaking activity in a real-world context

T calls on 2 people from the class to come up to the front and choose a scenario: a clothing shop or a market stall. T assigns one S as the customer and the other as the assistant. The Sts will act out a role-play in front of the class using the TL phrases learned in the last activity. With the help of sts, T sets up an onion ring seating arrangement. T assigns half of the class as customers and half of the class as assistants. Sts work in pairs with a st in the opposite character group. after 2 minutes, T switches the character roles and sts work with the same partner.

Role-Play (6 minutes) • to get sts further producing TL in semi-controlled role play speaking activity

T now gets sts to switch partners and tells them that now one of them will be a difficult customer character and the other will be a friendly assistant for 2 minutes. ICQ (check LA). After which, T will ask a few pairs of sts to demonstrate their role-play for the class. T will perform delayed FB on the WB before continuing. Sts work with a different partner and T explains that this time, the assistant character will be unhelpful and the customer character will be friendly. ICQ's here (see LA) another 2 min role-play. After which, T will ask a few pairs of sts to demonstrate their role-play for the class before giving delayed FB up on the WB.

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