Joshua reasoner Joshua reasoner

Vocabulary through television
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice new vocabulary related to television. Ss will practice these words through the receptive skill(listening) to an audio track at the end of the lesson.


Abc Vocabulary Activity 3, listening 2

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of television lexis in the context of likes and dislikes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about television in the context of likes and dislikes.


Name activity (2-3 minutes) • Learn students name

i will pass out a blank sheet of paper to the Ss and have them fold the paper 3 times(I will demonstrate) then the Ss will write their name largely on the paper so I can read it. (I will get this back from Ss at the end of class)

Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • Introduce Context

There will be 6 pictures on the white board all related to different TV programs. Ss will come to the WB and look at each picture and make an assumption about what they have in common. Ss will return to there seat and with the WC I will ask Ss what the pictures have in common? And If anyone likes these shows?

Exposure&Clarification (15-20 minutes) • Practice the vocabulary they will need later in the lesson.

Step 1 - Point to the picture related to the comedy show and elicit the word "comedy" then write it on the WB under the picture. (CCQs- Do you cry when you watch it? Yes Do you laugh when you watch it? No) Ss will decide what part of speech comedy is (n) and where the stress is. Then Ss will echo the word 5 or 6 times. Repeat step 1 for "news", (CCQs - Is it real or fake? Real Is it important? Yes) news (n) Repeat step 1 for "film", (CCQs - Do you watch them at the cinema? Yes Are they 30min or 2hours long? 2 hours) film (n) Repeat step 1 for "documentary"(CCQs - Can you learn from them? Yes, Is it a show about real things or fake things? Real) documentary (n) Repeat step 1 for "sports" (CCQs - Do men mostly watch this? Yes Do women get mad when boys watch it a lot!? Yes) sports (n) Repeat step 1 for "TV series" (Are the shows longer than 1hr no? Is fight club a TV series? No Is friends a TV series? Yes)

Semi Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • Allow Ss the ability to practice the vocabulary the just learned with some personal questions about TV habits.

Firstly the Ss will receive a HO they will work from. Once all Ss have the worksheet they will be paired with the person next to them. While they pass the HO around the class. Do you watch... Will be written on the WB Each Ss will ask there partner questions 1 - 6 of activity 3. Reference the WB sentence and nominate a Ss to do a demonstration with. Use ICQs to verify understanding of the task with the class. (ICQs - which activity will you do? 3, how will you ask the questions? Do you watch... If they say no will you ask the second question? No

Controlled Listening Practice (10-15 minutes) • Listening for detail using the Ss new vocabulary .

the Ss will be put in different pairs, and the Teacher will write the chart from activity 2 on the WB. Tell the Ss they will listen to a recording of 5 speakers, talking about TV shows, using ICQs tell the Ss the will write which TV programs "number" the speaker is talking about and if they like the program? Use the WC to do a demonstration using the white board chart. And pause after every speaker for 15 to 30 seconds. (ICQs - will you write the name of the show in the first box? No, will you write if they likes the show or not? Yes.

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