neda saberi neda saberi

TP 2
Intermediate level


This language focus is designed to introduce Past simple/past perfect topic via the previous reading through grammer activities.


Abc Reading handout
Abc reading handout
Abc grammer exercise 3
Abc pronounciation/3

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of zpast Perfect/ Past Simple Tenses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable Ss to use Past Perfect/Past simple when writing about past


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • Ice breaking/ Linking previous lesson to the present one

'Do you have a good memory?" "ok, do you remeber "White Teeth" ?' Then T will elicit just a little.

Brainstorm (1-2 minutes) • To set the context for teaching grammer

T will put up some flash cards summerizing the reading on the board. The flash cards display Past simple and Past Perfect patterns. Ss will have to assisst the T to put the cards in order of occurance.

Teaching Grammer ( meaning) (5-10 minutes) • To teach the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect, focusing mostly on meaning

T will go through each flash card eliciting the meaning of the sentence. The key questions will be : 1- " how many actions do we have here? " 2- " which one happened first?"

Teaching Grammer ( form) (5-8 minutes) • Review on the Form of Past perfect/ past participle/ irregular verbs

T will hand out the reading to Ss and will ask them to circle/underline the Past form of the verbs. T will then get a FB from Ss and write the problamtic verbs on the WB and will ask them to say the 3rd part of the verb. T will write an Affirmative sentence on the board and ask "Pairs" to change it to a question and a negative sentence.

Grammer exercise (5-8 minutes) • TL practice

Ss are instructed to do 5 grammer exercises in pairs. Demonstarte the first one by elicitation as they can be tricky! ( power point) 1.The husband moved out of the family house. " why did he do that?" "there had to be a reason?!" "something happened that caused his leaving?!" And then WC FB.

Pronounciation of TL (2-5 minutes) • Teaching weak/strong sounds

T gives slips of papers (Pronounciation practice p.134,Global). Ask Ss to guess if the underlined words are strong or weak (stressed or not) in pairs.Ofcourse T will first demonstrate the phonemic script on WB. T then will play the audio program for them to check their answers. Ask them to come up with a general rule. note. I would skip " questions" "short answers" as there is no example for them in the book and will take a lot of time and might create unnecessray confusion?! T will show sentences of exercise 3 on the power point and ask them to underline the weak sounding verbs.

Language production (2-5 minutes) • Speaking

T will say "ok, do you agree with any of the ideas?" The Ss will choose one of them and talk about it in pairs. Then FB

Reading/Writing • Putting TL in practice

Ss are given a reading (Biography of Zadie Smith). T will ask them to put the events in order. and then write the biography again using simple past and past perfect. FB WC

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