Merve Ozturk Merve Ozturk

Class starts with do and does
Beginner A1 level


Abc Straightforward Beginner - SsBk U5C pg. 45/47

Main Aims

  • To present and practice present simple yes or no questions using do and does

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice in reading from gist and detail in the context of an interview about a job.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T posts pictures from course book on the WB and writes these three vocabulary (easy, difficult ,and secretary) from course book on the board in a bubble and brainstorms.

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T writes on the WB three vocabulary from topic. ( Easy, difficult, and secretary ) T points a secretary's picture and elicits secretary. T writes on the WB easy numbers and difficult numbers and tells to the students .

While-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To practice scanning for specific information

T demonstrates question and asks : 'Is his job difficult '? and writes on the WB . S: 'Yes, his job is difficult'. T gives hand outs to the students, plays CD 1.8 and stop. T asks to students for the answers. T shows hand outs, tells students to read again and answer questions. T does peer check and with WC check answer together.

Language Focus (3-5 minutes) • To help students when to use 'do, does' in a questions

T writes two questions on the WB and elicits short answers. ' Do you work every day ' ' Does your father work in a company' T makes circle do and does questions and asks to students why

Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T says to students let's practice and write on the WB eight different questions. ' like, you, do, English classes' T elicits correct question. T tells students to get in pairs and students unjumble and with WC check answer.

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