Jaclynn Jaclynn

Lesson 2
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will discuss the topic of "dilemmas", both in the reading and in their personal lives. Ss will be allowed free speech practice to discuss the topic and possible solutions to overcome problems. Ss will work in pairs and groups in various activities intended to engage them in reading, speaking and listening.


Abc Fiona's Picture
Abc Story Fiona's Dilemma
Abc Cut up sentences from Teacher's Book

Main Aims

  • To provide inference and deduction practice using text about a "dilemma" and to practice integrated skills; reading, listening and speaking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice in the context of problem solving
  • Ss have an opportunity to improve their speaking and listening skills in pairs and groups.


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To engage Ss in the lesson and introduce them to the lesson topic.

T will write DILEMMA on the WB and ask Ss the meaning of the word. Lead into WC discussion on problems we face, big and small, and solutions/how to solve them. Elicit responses from the class and write them on the WB.

Pre-reading (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text.

T will show the enlarged picture of Fiona and elicit a few ideas about what her dilemma might be. Write a few ideas on the WB. Then put Ss into pairs (A and B) and tell them to discuss together what Fiona's dilemma might be.

Running Dictation - Activity (10-15 minutes) • For Ss to work in pairs to read, dictate, listen and write.

Now that Ss are in pairs and A and B, tell them that Fiona's story is cut up and placed around the classroom walls. As in the pair will run, find a RED sentence, read it and remember it and return to tell their partner, B. B has to write down the dictated sentence. As must find and read all 6 RED sentences to partner B. Then they need to change roles, with the Bs finding all 6 GREEN sentences and As sitting and writing.

Reading - Ordering (1-5 minutes) • Inference and deduction practice

Ss now have Fiona's story, but it isn't in order. Get pairs to work together to try to put the story in order. Have pairs check their work with other pairs. Set a strict 5 min. time limit for ordering sentences. Then put complete story on WB and go over.

Freer speech (5-7 minutes) • Ss have the opportunity to work in groups and share their ideas

In groups of 3-4 have students discuss what Fiona should do. Have them discuss what question Fiona should ask, Have groups compare ideas (can write on WB). If none of the groups have provided the teacher's book solution, share it with them.

Wrap-up (1-5 minutes) • Review of today's lesson

If there is time left at the end of class, do a quick wrap up. Have Ss in their groups discuss daily dilemmas they face, at school or at work.

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