Ben Jervis Ben Jervis

TP 4
UpInt1 level


This lesson will focus on integrated listening, speaking and writing. Ss will listen to audio and decide and discuss how they would end the story. The Ss will work together in pairs and share ideas and their final conclusions to the story and give reasons for their endings.


Abc Blank paper
Abc Audio
Abc pictures
Abc Answer key
Abc Projector

Main Aims

  • Main aim: Integrated listening, Speaking and writing.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar (vocabulary - if any of the optional tasks are done


Warmer (4-6 minutes) • Elicit the concept of morality and right or wrong.

Start by showing SS an image of someone stealing; ask the ss what they think about this. Take quick FB Show an image of someone stealing from desperation; ask how they feel about this, would they do the same? Take quick FB Show an image of Robin Hood to set the context of the lesson

Gist (10-15 minutes) • SS practice listening and writing.

Pre teach vocabulary: deliver unatteneded bench T tells to SS listen to the Audio from page 25 Writing exercise 1 and take notes on what they hear. Give demo, ask SS to find the answer to a question in the first part of the audi "Where did Ben go after his meetings?" Discuss with partner what they wrote. Play the Audio for a second time and let the SS check what they wrote. Provide answer key on the WB

Main stage (10-15 minutes) • Writing

SS write how they would finish the story. “Now I want you to write an ending to the story.” “What did Ben do?” “What influenced him to do it?” Demonstrate the task by showing an example on the WB “Maybe Ben stole the ticket and the wedding was saved. Maybe he didn’t steal it, and the wedding was ruined. Please work on your own and write what you think Ben should do.”

Speaking (10-15 minutes) • Practice speaking and

Work in groups, SS read out their endings to the story Discuss what they have written.

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