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"Right" from Global Upper Intermediate - Reading and Listening Plan
Upper Intermediate level


The lessons begins with letting Ss think about a word with multiple meanings that they already know, but probably have not considered with all its meanings together. It also helps set the context for the lesson. The reading and listening provides a general knowledge quiz, so discussion of the answers also provides an opportunity for speaking, and also examples of the TL to be covered in the following lesson.


Abc Listening ex 2
Abc Reading and Listening ex 3
Abc Reading text for the Quiz
Abc Listening exercise 1

Main Aims

  • To help Ss practice Reading and Listening for detail
  • To provide specific information in the context of the word "right" with multiple meanings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice for different uses and meanings of the word Right
  • Personal aim: 1. To ensure Ss participation throughout the lesson. 2. To ensure a balanced and good learning pace and complete activities in a timely manner.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will be shown three pictures related with three different meanings of the word right. They will work in groups to discuss what words they have related with pictures. The first one is about eating the “right food”, the second one is about “knowing own rights”, and the last one is about “the right side (direction)”. At the end, the groups will share their ideas.

Vocabulary ex 1 and 2 (5-7 minutes) (5-8 minutes) • to understand the different meanings of the word " right"

Ss will be working in pairs to go through sentences and for example 1,and 2, a chart with four different expressions of the word "right" will be handed out for Ss students match the pre-cut sentences to stick under the correct meaning of the word "right". Students link the sentences with the correct meaning of the word "right" in their assigned groups.

Listening for Inference (3-5 minutes) • To practice meaning of right in two different sentences

Ss will listen to two examples of teachers talking and will match the explanation of the word "right" to what they hear. They will check their answers in pairs and a WC Feedback will be given.

While-Reading/Listening exercise 1 (8-10 minutes) • Read for specific information and practice speaking

Ss will be handed out "the Right Answer Quiz". They will do the quiz as a group and then later discuss the answers.

While Listening (5-6 minutes) • To listen for detail and for the Ss to check their answers and understand the explanations of the correct answers for the quiz.

Ss listen to the recording and as a WC and then in groups discuss if any of the answers surprises them. Students explain their reasons.

Reading and Listening Exercise 3 • To listen for specific information in order to answer the question

Ss will listen the recording from the previous stage for specific information to answer 12 Questions in pair work. After answering the questions, the pairs will discuss their answers with the neighbouring pairs by forming groups of 3-4 Ss. Then they'll be given the answer key to check answers.

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