Laura Elena Biculescu Laura Elena Biculescu

Family and Friends
Elementary level


In this lesson students will practice question formation with do/does through communicative activities in the context of family and friends. The lesson starts with a lead in and continues with a guided discovery where the teacher guides to students to uncover the meaning and form followed by pronunciation choral drilling. the students then practice the language structure in a speaking activity.


Abc HO #1 - Transcript
Abc HO #2 - Gap fill
Abc HO #5 - Find someone who
Abc Pictures
Abc HO #4 - Jumbled sentences
Abc HO #3a - Matching questions to the ending
Abc HO #3b - Matching questions to the ending

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of question formation with do/does in the context of family and friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of family and friends.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Use the OHP to project some photos related to the previous lesson on clans and elicit the topic from the students. Remind them of the listening practice they have done the day before and make sure they remember it.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language.

Give the students HO#1 with the transcript of the previous listening activity and highlight in bold the target language. Allow the students time to read and think what the lesson is going the be about. Have them work in groups and decide together what the target language is. If they do not seem to guess, elicit answers from them by prompting them with questions.'Why are we using that structure?" "What tenses have we studied so far?" etc.

Controlled Practice#1 (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and help the students work out the rules of the target language.

Give the students HO#2 and tell them they have 5 minutes to complete the gaps. Have the students check their answers in pairs and make sure they match. Monitor to make sure the answers are correct.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.

Advise the students to work in groups and come up with the rules for the TL and to give some examples. Monitor and make sure they are on track. Do a quick whole class feedback and put the answers on the board. Keep it short and CCQ to make sure they understand the meaning. Do we use the questions for present or for past? Do we expect/want a long answer or a short answer? Drill pronunciation stressing the auxiliary verbs in the sentence. Put special emphasis on negative short answer's contraction - do not vs.don't . Use the finger joining technique to emphasize the contraction.

Controlled Practice#2 (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

Give the students HO#3a and tell them to match the five questions with the right ending. Use the same questions(HO#3b) and tell the students that this time they will have to answer so that the questions are true for them. When they have finished, have them swap the papers with their partner and the partners will make a statement based on their answers. Divide the students into 4 groups and hand each group a set of jumbled sentences(HO#4). The students have to arrange the words correctly so that they form a do/does question. Drill the pronunciation of the sentences from the third exercise(HO#4).

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-14 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for freer practice.

Give each student HO#5 and tell them they will have to ask questions to their classmates and find someone who.... Model the activity by holding the handout up and asking a student "Sevgi, do you have a big family?" If she says yes, write her name down and repeat out loud "Sevgi has a big family". If she says no, ask her a different question until you get a positive answer. Tell the students they have 5 minutes to complete the blanks with their colleagues names. Project the HO and ask students to write all the names of people who say..."Have a big family". Monitor the students unobtrusively and collect errors on the clipboard for a delayed error correction. Put the wrong sentences or chunks of language on the board and elicit the right answers from the students. OR Write your name in the center of the WB and put a small pieces of information all around it. Explain to the students that they have to ask you questions using the words from the board and you will answer with yes or no. Give each student a blank piece of paper and allow them 2 minutes to write their name in the center an some information about family and friends all around it. Instruct students to find a partner and take turns in asking questions. Monitor the students unobtrusively and collect errors on the clipboard for a delayed error correction. Put the wrong sentences or chunks of language on the board and elicit the right answers from the students.

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