Mike Hennie Mike Hennie

TP 3
Elementary level


In this lesson students will increase their vocabulary about families through the practice of reading skills. Students will focus on skim reading and reading for detail. Shakespeare plays and family relationships in them will be used as the context for explaining this topic.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice in the context of Family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading as receptve skills to obtain vocabulary


Intro/Warm-up (5-10 minutes) • Provide interactive introduction to family vocabulary

Ask students how their weekend went, what did they do? Who did they do these with? Who did something with family? What family members were you with? Elicit from them family member titles. Show a picture of an older woman ask and for titles for her: Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Wife Show a picture of an older man ask and ask for titles: Grandfather, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Husband The man and woman symbols will be written on the WB and titles listed under each. Ss will be given a HO (Family Titles) and asked to write names from the board on the HO. Ss will then be asked to work in groups of 4 (as the tables are already set) and put family titles into categories. FB for categories will be given as a whole group and answer pages will be passed out

Vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • Students grasp meaning of titles of family members

Students will be seated in 6 groups of 4. Each group will receive flashcards that will match definitions and as a team they will sort the cards to match (Family Definitions) Explain the matching, Demo one definition and ICQ, then distribute the cards After Groups have matched cards have them speak in pairs how many Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, and Uncles they have.

Pre-Reading (5-5 minutes) • Prepare students for the reading by previewing the vocabuary from reading.

Students will be asked to stand in a semi-circle facing the board and arrange themselves by the number of siblings they have. The teacher will use one student to act out the preview vocab words of: Dead, Enemy, Jealous, Land, Power, Revenge. The teacher will elicit these words from the students and write them on the white board. Draw a sword on the Board - Ask what it is? Who uses it? ENEMY If they use it on you, you will be? DEAD If they kill your friend and you want to kill them you want? REVENGE Draw A Crown - Who wears this? King/Crown A king has a lot of? POWER A king rules of his? LAND If you want what the king has you are? JEALOUS Choral drill the words before the next activity.

While-Reading (5-10 minutes) • Provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the reading and to identfy the topic and main ideas.

Names of Shakespeare characters will be hung around the room. Students will circulate and decide what they have in common. After deciding students will return to their seats with partners they were assigned from the last activity. Shakespeare will be introduced and students will be shown 2 pics one of family of friends. They will be instructed to read (skim) the story and determine what they have in common. and asked if it more about friends or family ICQ and distribute story and let them read. When they are finished reading and think they know what the stories have in common check their answers with a partner.

Detailed Reading (5-10 minutes) • Provide studetns with reading activity that allows the to understand the details from the material they are reading

Instruct students to read for detail. Explain the T/F handout and ICQ. The teacher will give the students a HO (Page 30 ex 2) and have Ss work individually to answer the T/F questions. After answering the questions true or false they should find the correct answers for the statements answered false and circle them in the text. They will check this in pairs for FB. False answers which have been corrected will be reviewed by the WC.

Speaking (10-15 minutes) • Provide a productive skill opportunity to students for them to show understanding of the information obtained in the reading

Students will be asked to stand and show with raising hands how many siblings they have. Ss with similar numbers will be paired together and asked to sit together for the last activity. Teacher should choose one student to assist at the board. Teacher will use the white board to demonstrate the next activity. Teacher will create a family tree for the Ss he has asked to assist him. Instructions will be given for pairs to do the same in pairs. ICQ the activity and pass out blank paper.

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