Tetiana Polishchuk Tetiana Polishchuk

Family and Friends
Elementary level


In this lesson students learn about possessive `s through clarification of grammar and speaking activities. At the beginning of the lesson remind ss of the text they read in the previous lesson through group work on matching statements about the text. Next step is supposed to be focused on eliciting grammar items from the text which are possessives `s. Then ss have to work on meaning and form of possessives through grammar exercises. After that get ss to practice through games and speaking activities.


Abc Handout #2
Abc Handout #3
Abc Questions/answers
Abc Handout #1
Abc Handout # 4

Main Aims

  • Learn and practice possessives `s through grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice possessives `s though speaking about families


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Remind the students of the text they read in the previous lesson, let the ss see possessive `s in sentences

Ask ss what they did on the previous lesson. They should answer that they read a text. Ask what it was about. Ss may answer that the text was about Shakespeare`s works. After that ask them to look through the text again for 1 minute and put their handouts with texts face down. Tell ss that you are going to give them cuts ups with the statements from the text. They are going to match two parts of sentences. First tell ss that they should not start matching before you tell them the word 'go'. Give them first parts of sentences and then - second part. Check if they understood with ICQs, like: 'What do you need to do with parts of sentences?' - We need to match them. 'Do we start now?' - No. 'When do we start?' - When you say 'go'. After they have finished the activity, ask ss to stand up and check the answers in each group. Then ask each group to read one sentence out loud and correct if needed.

Clarification of grammar items (15-23 minutes) • Elicit grammar items and form, check if students understand the meaning and form, practice and expand on previous knowledge about possessive `s.

Tell ss that today we are going to talk about possessives `s. Ask ss to look at Ex. 1 on p.31. Tell them that they have to find Who is..... . There are five questions and they have to answer them. They can write your answers on ur sheets. Ss work individually. Ask them ICQs, like: 'Are we doing Ex 2?' - No, Ex. 1. ' How many questions are there? - Five. ' Are we working in groups?' - No, individually. After they have finished answering, ask ss to check their answers with their partners. Then ask ss if they see possessives in the ex. . They call them out. After that ask ss what it means? The ss should answer that king Lear is father of Cordelia. Ss also may answer that it means when something or someone belongs to another person or people. You model 1 sentence: Cordelia`s father is king Lear. Then ask CCQs: In this sentence do we know who has father? Do we know who has daughter? Is Cordelia a person or a thing? Is Lear a person or thing? After that try to elicit the form of possession. Ask ss to look at possessive again and ask them how we make forms of possessives. Point at the word and ask ss what part of speech it is. They should answer that it is a noun. Then on the other part of the board write 'n' +, but do not go on writing. Ask ss what goes next after the noun. They will answer that `s goes next. Now add `s to 'n', so it will look like that: n +`s. Now look at the grammar box, last sentence and ask to find possessive and what it means. Then model it. Ask CCQs: Who has parents ? She has Who are Lady and Lord Capulet? Parents of her Is there one parent or two parents? Two Now write down 'Her parents` names are Lord and Lady Capulet' on the board under the other sentence. Underline possessive. Ask them what different is in possession in this sentence from the previous one and why. After or while ss answering that the noun is plural and there is only apostrophe without 's', write the form on the board: plural n + ` . You can ask to find and underline the other possessives in their text. After finding out the meaning and form of possessive `s ask ss to look at Ex. 2 on p. 31. Ask ss to read two short texts with 3 missing possessives `s. They have to find and correct them. Ask ss ICQs, like: 'Which exercise are we going to do? - Number two, 'How many texts are there? - Two, 'How many possessives do we need to find?' - 3. After they have done it individually, they swap their worksheets with their partners and check it. Then you ask ss to give you 3 answers and write them on the board, but make mistakes. Ss have to find mistakes that you have made and correct them. For example: instead of 'Are Caesar`s friends now his enemies?' write ' Are Caesars friends now his enemies?', instead of ' Calpurina, Caesar` s wife, thinks they are.' write 'Calpurina, Caesars` wife, thinks they are.' and instead of Antony`s wife Fluvia is dead, write ' Antonys wife Fluvia is dead.' After the activity`s been done, tell ss that you are going to give each group ten cut ups with possessives `s. And you are going to show them ten sentences on the board which mean the same. Each group has to find those sentences with possessive `s and go to the board with the cut up and stick it opposite to the sentence with the same meaning. They have to do it in accordance with the order of sentences that are on the board. For example: sentence 1. The friend of my daughter and cut up must be b) My daughter`s friend. The group that sticks most of cut ups is the winner. You can ask ICQs before you are going to do the activity, like: How many sentences am I going to show you?, How many cut ups am I going to give you?, Are you going to stick cut ups on the board?, Are we working in groups? After that you can start the activity. You can ask ss about sentence 5 from this ex. Ask them where possessive is there. Ask if the noun is plural or singular. They may answer that it is plural noun. Then you can ask why it does not have -s at the end. You can explain that it is irregular noun and ask if they know any other irregular nouns. Then elicit the form of irregular plural noun + `s.

Freer practice through speaking #1 (5-7 minutes) • To practice the TL in a freer way using possessive `s.

Ask ss to write 4 members of their families but with no names. They have to work with a partner and ask each other questions about their names using possessive `s. It may look like this: My father My sister My mother My children If needed you can demo this activity.

Freer practice through speaking #2 (8-10 minutes) • Expand on vocabulary about family

Tell ss that are going to work in groups. You are going to give them pictures of famous families, their members from series. Ss work in groups. They should make notes about those families. Show ss two questions that will help them with notes. They are: Who is who? - Edward is Bella`s husband. What is the story about? - It is about vampires, wolves and love. After ss have finished their notes, ask them to find a partner from another group. Ss mingle. Then in pairs ss try to guess the story from another student and vice versa.

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