Bilgen Cesmecioglu Bilgen Cesmecioglu

There is/There are - There isn't/There aren't
A1 level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about there is/there are along with the negative meaning, pronunciation and form. Firstly, Ss will have a receptive skill lesson introductory and then they will carry on to studying a language practice lesson. As Ss previously studied plural nouns and they are accustomed to the term "noun", they will revise that knowledge and connect them with the new subject. There will be controlled practices after the presentation of the lesson.


Cybteueetc2vibaznxla organisations vocab PPT

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of there is/there are and negative forms in the context of voluntary organisations around the world and Turkey

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about VSO (a voluntary organisation)


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To activate the schemata of the Ss in order for them to have some idea of the context of voluntary work

T shows the first slide of the PPT. and asks: "What are the pictures about?" Ss possibly say organisation in L1. T asks: "What do they do?" Ss may give an answer close to "Help people" (they have previously studied the verb in the jobs vocabulary) T tells the students to discuss what they know about organisations in pairs. Meanwhile the T monitors and when discussion is over writes a list of the words the Ss could come up with

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To introduce some vocabulary based on the reading of the voluntary organisation context

T tells Ss a story of her friend Angela and herself. T tries to elicit the words: -volunteer -Asian (even though they might understand it when they see the word because of the similarity of the word in L1, they do not know how to pronounce it) -average (even though they might understand it when they see the word because of the similarity of the word in L1, they do not know how to pronounce it) -including (this might be the hardest word to elicit due to the level of the Ss) -fun -international

While Reading (6-8 minutes) • To get the gist of the text and to comprehend the text

T groups Ss in three - if possible. T tells Ss to read the text really fast and choose the best title for the text. T asks ICQ T hands out the material. Ss find the title. T tells Ss to write T for True and F for false sentences given in the next exercise in pairs. T asks ICQs and writes the instructions on the board. Ss discuss and answer in pairs. T gives a small HO of an answer key.

Post Reading & Grammar (10-12 minutes) • To notice the TL used in the text

T writes on the board : There is time for fun. There are organisations in Turkey. T asks CCQs: "Do we use 'is' for singular or plural nouns?" (Singular) "Is it our time?" (No) "Is it general?" (yes) "Do we use 'are' for singular or plural nouns?" (plural) "Are they our organisations?" (no) T asks Ss to give an example from the classroom. T asks Ss to make the sentences on the WB in negative form. Ss say: There isn't time for fun. There aren't organisations in Turkey. T asks CCQs: "Do we use "isn't" with singular or plural nouns? (singular) "Is it our time?" (No) "Is it in general?" (yes) "Do we use 'aren't' with singular or plural nouns? (plural) "Are they our organisations?" (No) T cleans the board and drills the sentences (solo, in pairs, WC) T shows the next slide of the PPT to Ss so the Ss can see the sentences. T tells the Ss to underline "there is/there are/there isn't/there aren't in the text.

Practice - Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To check if the structure of there is/there are and negative forms are understood

T tells Ss that she has a HO. T tells Ss to underline the correct choices. T tells Ss to be careful with the plural nouns and singular nouns. T asks ICQ and writes them on the board. T monitors the Ss while they are on the task. When Ss finish T tells them to check together with their partner. If necessary T gives selective FB.

Practice - Controlled Practice (Speaking) (4-6 minutes) • To check if the 'fluency' of there is/there are and negative forms are clear

T tells Ss to think about 2 organisations in Turkey. T reminds the previous lesson's question form on the WB with the arrows. T tries to elicit the question form - if cannot it is not important at this stage of the lesson T can give the answer; so that Ss actually ask and answer. T asks: What are there in the organisations in Turkey? T asks ICQs and writes the instructions on the board. Ss discuss in pairs. T monitors. Ss speak about the things there are or there aren't.

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