Sheri Ahmadpour Sheri Ahmadpour

Celta lesson plan - 2
A2 level


In this lesson student are going to practice to talk about times and prices in different contexts. They have learned to read the times and prices and in this session they are going to use F and M in the context of buying a movie ticket in the cinema. The will practice in groups of pairs or three. General FB and feedback will be provided. This session will be conducted in SC format.


Abc Elementry Student's book
Abc Teache self-made material

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in the context of group conversation asking about time and about the price

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Asking about Time, Asking about the price in the context of Going to a cinema


Warm up (5-7 minutes) • Revision and refreshment about what they learnt about talking about time and price

I will group students in to groups of 3 or 4 and give the HO which is a table about name, job, wake up time and sleep time. I will ask them to interview other memebers and fill up the table. In this way the will provide me with some information about themselves plus they will ask questions about time and answer them. Check the MFP. L & S. I will put the symbol of few currencies on the board. Then I will give them some notes and ask them to put each note under the symbol of its currency.

controlled practice 1 (7-10 minutes) • Presentation of using TL in more engage and fast activity

I will ask the students to group in 3 then I will give each one HO for each group.Then I will ask those who got a "Start" to stand at the front, then those who got a "Finish" to stand beside them and then the other members. Then I will start a small demo of few part of the game and then I ask the group to start the game, each group at a time if the time allows. the winner of each group will do the final round to find the final winner. I observe carefully without getting involved and note some common mistake to practice on next stage.

Feedback and error correction 1 (3-5 minutes) • To draw students attention to their common mistakes and improve their fluency

Write their common mistakes on the WB and ask them to read it, try to correct it and choral drilling. Check the pronunciation.

Pre activity Task (3-5 minutes) • Concept checking, elicit new vocabulary and prepare the students for free activitiy

I will ask them if they like to watch a movie in a cinema. If they have ever watch a film in a cinema. What movie it was. Then I elicit few vocabularies related to this experience such as 1- Film 2- Cinema 3- Ticket (customer/ticket seller) 4- Adults/Children Modeling practice How much is the ticket? How many tickets do you want? What time is the film? choral drilling to make sure they are clear about pronunciation.

Freer Practice (7-10 minutes) • To practice accuracy and fluency of TL in a real life situation to improve their MFP

I will divide them in to two groups of ticket sellers and customers and ask them to start to buy tickets. I will observe them carefully. I will correct some mistake while practice and few common one I keep for feedback. I will ask them to change partners and buy tickets from different ticket sellers. Next step I will ask them to change their place. Those who were selling ticket now become customers and vise-verse and practice more.

Feedback and error correction 2 (5-8 minutes) • To elicit students speak about their buying and selling Tickets, general FB

I will give the HO and ask them to fill the gaps and complete the table in pairs. Then I will ask them to speak about the experience which movie did you buy the ticket? What time was the movie? How much was the ticket? Was the ticket cheap or expensive? I will write some of the mistakes on the board and ask students to correct them.

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