Mike Hennie Mike Hennie

TP 2
Elementary level


In this lesson students will practice their listening skills by learning about international cities, nations, and Nationalities and the suffix endings to describe nationalities. Students will focus on listening for gist and detailed listening.


Abc Coursebook CD

Main Aims

  • To provide students an opportunity to practice gist and detailed listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice vocabulary of nationalities


Intro/Vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • Preview Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Introduce myself as an American from America Instruct students that a recording will be played which will list country and nationality names. Reveal the HO Part A and instruct them to follow along as it is read on the CD as it is played Ask students to read the sentences to one another underling the Nationality in each sentence Have them check their answers as the CD is played one last time. Explain Handout Part B of Table ask ICQ, distribute, and have students work in pairs. Call out to students at large for FB

Pre-Listening (5-10 minutes) • Set the Stage for Gist Listening

Model the pre-listening task to Ss by asking in what countries are the large cities, Sydney, Chicago, and are located. Explain the Pre-listening task and then pass out the activity HO 1 Part A Explain to match the cities and then ICQ the activity: "Are you going to match as a group?.. Alone?" Check answers with a partner Feedback by revealing a map and showing locations of cities

Reset to Learning - While Listening (5-5 minutes) • To initiate interaction, introduce nations/nationalities and get students motiavted to learn

Distribute cards to students with 1 of 4 nationalities listed on the card, with these Countries and Nationalities written on the WB. Choral Drill them with them the correct pronunciation of Countries and Nationalities Ask students to stand and find others with the same nationality as them by repeating the countries Seat them in these groups

Listening for Gist (5-5 minutes) • Provde students with a Gist listening task.

Provide pictures to students to provide them a mental picture for: at a hotel, at an airport, and at a party. Instruct and ICQ the students they will be listening to the CD and should identify the location of the conversations. Play Track 37 from CD 1X. Provide FB by calling answers from students

Listening for Detail (10-15 minutes) • Provide students with a detailed listening task

Students will listen for answers to questions on HO 1 Part B Instruct students that we will listen to the CD again and they are to listen for the answers to the questions on the HO. Explain the discrimination HO, Distribute, and ICQ Ask students to check their answers with partners by alternating the reading answers Play one last time for FB

Post Listening/Speaking (5-10 minutes) • Productive skill to follow a receptive skill

IF EXTRA TIME IS AVAILABLE Have students quickly stand in a circle Please think of your favorite country - Call them out Model: I am Mike I am from America I am an American... My favorite country is Germany, where people are German Turn to another Ss - Prompt them to Say "I am (name) I am from(country), I am (Nationality).... My favorite country is (country) Where people are (Nationality) Prompt another student to repeat the same and so on until group has an idea Allow students to mingle and share this info with each nother

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