Çağlar Anmaç Çağlar Anmaç

Vocabulary Lesson
Beginners level


In this lesson, Ss will remember the vocabulary about personal objects they learnt in the previous lessons and add some more.


Abc Lead-in Pictures
Abc Exposure Ppt.
Abc Memory Game HO
Abc Listening Activity
Abc Sentence Matching Ppt.
Abc Gap-Filling Task

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with gist listening and listening for specific information practice in the context of talking about possessions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To expand Ss vocabulary when talking about personal possessions.


Lead-In (4-6 minutes) • To set concept and engage Ss

I'm going to show pictures from pg.14 if they know who are in the pictures and where they are. I'm going to give HO and when I get answer I will write the answers on the WB. If I can't get the answers I will try to elicit. For "roadblock" acting like a policeman who checks the alcohol might work, for airport I can use Pilot and plane vocabulary as they have already seen and for "Border Control" first I should elicit the border. If telling the Turkey and Greece wouldn't work drawing Turkey and showing its neighbors then highlighting the borders can be good idea.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • Provide context for TL

I'm going to show a ppt. in which I'm going to set up the context. I'm going to talk about my experience. First I will show a passport and a ticket picture and try to elicit "travel" at least I want them to think regardless of telling the "travel". Next I'll ask "What do I have? and try to elicit the "bag". I'll act out grabbing my bag. Then I'll ask "What's in my bag?" and will get the answers if I get some more vocabulary its good. But if I can't I'll show what I have from the ppt. (keys, dog,ticket, passport) Next I will try to get where I'm going. I will elicit "hotel" and "address" vocabulary by asking where am I going and how can I find. Then I will say that in the hotel I decided to go to the beach. I needed my ... and show my eyes to get "sunglasses" word. After sunglasses picture I will show a picture of mine in which I seem surprised. I will say that something is wrong and ask what's in the bag ? I don't think they can predict but I will listen to their answers and wait a while. After several answers I will show "skirt" picture. And get the answer. I they can't I'll give. I'll ask what do I do now? and try to elicit "telephone". I will tell them I called the police with something and get them say. Eventually I'll show a picture of myself with my bag and with a smiling face. -Happy end :)

Memory Game (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning

I will use a HO with the TL. It contains 10 pictures and their meanings. I'll cut the pictures and will give only the pictures to Ss. They will put them closed on their desks and work with pairs. I will say "First open one of your pictures and try to find the same from your friend's desk. Ss will take turns and try to finish first. I will give the written forms of the TL to early finishers to see if they can match while they are waiting.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and to prepare for meaningful practice (to find the gist)

I'll use the first HO and want Ss to open it up again. At this time they will number the pictures according to the dialogues' order. I'll ask them to fill in the boxes with numbers of the pictures' order. Second time might be needed. After listening they will check their answers by sticking numbers to pictures.

Sentence Matching Activity (5-7 minutes) • To prepare for meaningful exercices

Ss will be shown a ppt. which contains for pictures about the dialogues. They will individually match the pictures with the random sentences taken from the scripts of the dialogues. T sets a 3 mins time, monitors and does not engages with Ss. After finishing they check the person's paper next to them. If there's a problem WC FB. If not, I will move on to the next step.

Gap Filling Task (6-8 minutes) • To make a semi-controlled activity in order to concept check and have a further step on learning.

T makes pairs with a raffle and pairs work together to modify the dialogues they previously listened. They add objects and/or change names, numbers, countries etc. T shows the first dialogue crosses "keys" and writes "books". And then asks Ss to write their own examples together. T listens to all dialogues from pairs.

Back up (2-4 minutes) • To practice vocabulary

If time allows, T sticks the pictures of the Vocabulary and Ss play hit game with pairs.

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