Neslihan Solak Neslihan Solak

TP1 Neslihan Solak
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practices "how and what questions" in the context of neighbours.


Main Aims

  • To clarify and practice questions forms to ask for information about friends and family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening for detailed comprehension paractice on the topic of old friends


Lead - in (4-5 minutes) • To maintain the context from the previous lesson

T shows a picture of her/his neighbours and gets Ss disscuss whether they think they are good neighbours or not.

Exposure & Highlighting (13-15 minutes) • To provide contxt for the TL through a game

In pairs, Ss write down a question. Teams compete to bring their questions to T. If the question is inaccurate, T tells them there is a mistake to correct and they should come back to T after another attempt. If the question is correct T writes down a brief answer and instructs Ss to write another question. T keeps the activity going until every team has had chance to ask a sufficient amount of questions and get some information about T's neighbours. T regroup the Ss so they can share what they learnt.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To elicit , highlight the meaning, form and pronunciation

T collects in example questions that contain TL of " how and what " questions. T puts some up on the board. T elicits and highlights the meaning, form and pronunciation. T gives the handout and gets the Ss make appropriate "how and what " questions to the given answers

Wrap- up (8-10 minutes) • To provide opportunities for error correction and a summary of the lesson

T gets Ss to write their own questions to ask each other. T gets Ss to mingle and ask variety of partners about their friends, family and neighbours. T conducts FB by getting Ss to share what they have discovered about their classmates.

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