Reza Vasa Reza Vasa

Delta pre-task (Planning a reading)
C1 level


The whole lesson is divided into three major stages: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading phases. In the pre- and post-reading stages, two sub-stages will be included to move the learners from familiarizing them with the topic to some freer exercises. In the while-reading section the learners will be working on three different sections.


Main Aims

  • • To provide gist, inference and detailed reading practice using a text about people and places in the context of Expatriates

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide clarification of some vocabulary in the context of a short visit • To provide process writing practice of a letter in the context of plans


Warmer/Lead-in (9-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T sets context after greeting: 2. T has students look at 4 pictures of different places. 3. T calls on the students to tell the class about all the places they have lived in their lives. 4. T has the learners work with a partner on two questions: a. Why do people leave their countries to live elsewhere? b. What countries are best to immigrate to? 5. The questions are posed to help students develop the skill of predicting and providing some useful vocabulary before they start reading. They will also help them build their schemata: 6. Ss share their ideas. 7. WC feedback. A few sentences. 8. T briefly mentions pull and push factors and during WC feedback asks why people move to other countries

Pre-Reading (Pre-teaching Vocabulary) (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Five of the words that are thought to be key to understanding the passage are pre-taught: Expat, Descending order, Metrics, Child rearing, Disposable income

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist by having them choose the best heading for some of the paragraphs

1. T gives instructions on the next activity. 2. T distributes HO 1. 3. T gives an example. 4. Sts have 5 minutes to do the activity. 5. WC feedback.

While-Reading #2 (14-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

1. T gives the instructions for Activity 2. 2. HO 2 is distributed. 3. Time is set (7 minutes). 3. Sts start the activity. 4. When time is up, PW is done to check their answers and finally WC feedback, False sentences are made correct.

While-Reading #3 (12-15 minutes) • To increase learners' inter- and supra-sentential knowledge

1. T has the students form 3 groups and gives them the instructions for the group activity. 2. To avoid confusion the activity is divided into two parts. 3. To add variety to the interaction pattern three groups are formed. 4. They are asked to choose names for their groups to give them a sense of cooperation and competition. 5. The first section of the handout is distributed. They are expected to put the paragraphs in order. 6. WC feedback. 7. After instructions, the second part of the HO 3 is given. 8. WC feedback.

Post-Reading (18-20 minutes) • To provide the learners with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The students are asked to put what they have learned into practice. 1. Instructions are given T: Now write a two-paragraph email to a friend. Tell him/her where you are going to live and why. 2. Time is set (10 minutes). 3. Sts are asked to read each other's emails and give each other feedback. (Peer feedback is introduced). 4. They are told to share their ideas together. 5. One or two will read out their emails to the whole class.

Post-reading (5-6 minutes) • To elicit the REASONS why some places are better as a springboard for the final stage

1. Students are asked why people leave their countries? 2. T introduces the idea of pull and push factors. 3. WC activity encourages all students to participate.

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