ferik ferik

family relations
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson the students are supposed to learn how to ask and answer about their family members, friends and favouriye people in their lives. they will also be able to form questions by using some auxiliary verbs "do, does, did, can, will.." they will be able to know which auxiliary is in past and which in present.


Abc hand outs of the transcripts, charts to make questions

Main Aims

  • To provide using the auxiliary verbs correctly by knowing whether they're in past or present.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce the students some auxiliary verb patterns by listening the text and make them highlight the sentences related with auxiliaries.


Lead-in • to talk about the people in the picture, describing them as detailed as possible, to acquire the auxiliary verbs from the listening passage

l'll show the picture with projector so they can see it bigger and more detailed. they'll have a pair work in which they'll discuss together and then they'll share their ideas later to whole class and then they'll listen two texts in the first one they'll do an ordering activity ın the 2nd one they'll do an elicit the auxiliary verbs like 'do' 'did' 'was' 'were' l'll write some of the answers on the board so as to show how they're used in past and present forms.

Exposure & highlighting • to provide examples of a variety of auxiliary verbs

I'll give them some charts by dividing them into groups of four so as to make them form sentences by sticking the charts in correct order on the board The groups will make comments on the sentences of the other ones whether they're true/false, past/present. The groups will check the sentences of one another. Finally, l'll make comments on the whole sentences of all the groups.

Clarification • To review the auxiliaries with all their usage, pronunciation and forms (past/present)

The Sts will do the exercise 1 by filling the gaps individually. l'll give the answers and we'll check all together. Then the sts will do the 2nd activity with their partners -as pairs- They'll ask the questions to eachother and then they'll answer. They'll share what they learn about eachother.

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