laila laila

Impression/ Verb Pattern
Intermediate level


The student will be introduced to the topic by telling them a short story to set the context and to capture students’ interest and arise their curiosity to know more about the topic. Students wil skim and scan the reading text for the general idea and for a specific details.Students will practice in pairs the verb pattern through controlled practice . Students will do productive skills "speaking&writing " Students will work in pairs complete the the questions then practice the conversation.


Main Aims

  • The main aim is skimming and scanning the reading text for gist and for specific details.

Subsidiary Aims

  • the sub aim is to practice the verb pattern " I remember + to,that,what and ing " and to do speaking practice related to the topic" conversation"


Lead in (6-8 minutes) • To set the contaxt and to engage and capture students’ interest and arise their curiosity to know more about the topic.

Tr. starts the lesson with a short story. 'When Tom came back home he found that Sara dead, broken glasses and water were spread around her.. Tom didn't care, he simply sat on his lazy chair and watched Tv. Tr ask many questions about the story. Was there a crime? Did Tom know who killed Sara? Was there any witnesses? Does Tom need a lawyer? What do you think, Why Tom didn't care and acted normally as if nothing had happened? Elicits the new voc " and write them on the board .

While reading (6-8 minutes) • Students will skim and scan the text for gist and specific information .

Tr. asks students to work in pairs , read the text quickly and give a title to the text. you have 2 min . Tr. ccqs. are you going to read slowly or quickly? quickly . are you going to look for details or general information? General information . How much time do you have ? 2 min Tr. asks students to work in pairs and answer the questions .

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • students will practice the verb pattern " remember+ that,what,toand ing

Tr. asks students to work in pairs and complete the sentences with the correct word from the article . Have students check their answers with their partners . Feedback tr .asks students to give the answers and writes them on the board . To remmember what they say .2. I can remember that he was there.3. I remember to pick up the phone . 4. I remember wondering . Tr. asks students to work in pairs and tell the difference in each sentences . Tr.elicits the pattern from students.

Semi-controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • is to give students more practice with a little guide from the teacher

Tr. asks students to work in pairs and match the pattten with the sentences . Tr. gives the handouts ,gives the instructions and ccqs . Tr. asks students to check their answers with their partners . Tr. provides the answers by asking students to look at the back of the handouts ,see the answer and cotrrect your mistakes .

Semi-controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • Is to give students more practice with a little guide from the teacher

Tr. gives students handouts and ask them to look at the dicttionary entry the word forget ,Which pattern does it have . Tr, asks students to check the answers with their partners and elicits the answers and write them on the board for double check.

Productive skills " Speaking" (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with the oportunity to practice the new pattern .

Tr. gives students the handouts and asks them to work in pairs and complete the questions . Then a soon as they finish ,tr gives the feedack by asking students to look at the back of the handouts and check their answers. Then , have them practice the conversation in pairs . Tr. monitors and provides help when needed.

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