Damion Irving Damion Irving

B1+(intermediate) level


In this lesson, students learn how to write a paragraph by linking and contrasting two ideas. Firstly, they talk about two photos and then discuss the pros and cons of buying and renting a home. After that, they read a text and answer comprehension Qs. They are taught how to link and contrast ideas and lastly, they work in groups to write comments on a posting.


Main Aims

  • To help Ss develop their writing skills
  • To encourage Ss to write comments linking and contrasting ideas

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with an opportunity to gist read
  • To motivate Ss to become more fluent and self-confident speakers


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the context to Ss and attract their attention

The teacher places two photos on the board and asks Ss to describe them: ''Please describe these photos.'' ( In the first photo, a man is standing in front of his house, calling it ''mine''. In the second photo, a couple is standing in front of their house, calling it ''not ours''.) After that, the teacher writes some useful words that might help Ss express their ideas during the discussion.( landlord, tenant=lodger, rent, can't afford, mortgage) Ss work in pairs to try and figure out the meanings of these words. Then, they talk about the pros and cons of owning and renting a house as a whole class.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with a reading text that includes linking and contrasting expressions

Students are given a worksheet each. Ss read Tomas's post and comments on his post individually and then work in groups of 4 in order to answer comprehension Qs. '' Please read the texts quickly and answer Qs 2 and 3.''

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify the uses of linking and contrasting expressions

The teacher divides the board in two and writes ''linking ideas'' on one side and ''contrasting ideas'' on the other. The teacher writes the examples from the text that they have just read under each category. Then, the teacher gives two examples himself: ''Neither my mother nor my father smokes,'' and asks CCQs '' Does my mother smoke? No. Does my father smoke? No.'' The other example is: ''The problem is not that he is an alcoholic, but that he doesn't accept it. '' CCQs are: '' Does he drink too much alcohol? Yes. Does he accept he drinks too much alcohol? No.'' Ss do Ex 4a. The answers are elicited.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide Ss an opportunity to practice their writing skills

The teacher distributes a post on p118 to each student and gives them a minute to read it. Then, the class is split into two: Group A and Group B. Group A is instructed to agree with the post whereas Group B is instructed to disagree with it. Each group is allowed to brainstorm their ideas co-operatively. '' Please work in groups and decide why you agree or disagree with the post.'' While Ss are putting their heads together and writing a comment, the teacher keeps a watchful eye on the groups and helps when needed. Once they have finished, the groups compare their comments and choose which one to post on the website as a reply. ''Please compare your comments and decide which one is better.''

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' writing

The teacher offers FB to each group on their comments. The teacher lets groups swap their comments and check them for each other. ''Please exchange your comments and try to correct the mistakes.'' If Ss fail to correct the errors, the teacher underlines the mistake hoping that they will correct it. If not, the teacher provides the correction.

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