amineh amineh

teaching practice1
Elementary level


In this lesson students are going to learn about events and celebrations around the world. At the beginning there is a matching exercise which functions as an introduction. As the next step, students will get some general information about the events and after that they go through the texts to exchange ideas.


Abc Pictures on popular celebrations
Abc reading comprehension questions
Abc reading passages (straight forward, elementary)

Main Aims

  • to provide opportunities for development of reading for gist and reading for detailed information skills

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give speaking practice to develop fluency
  • To review vocabulary related to special occasions


Warmer (5-7 minutes) • To set the context and make students familiar with some celebrations

I show the students some slides and ask them to name each celebration and say what they generally do on each occasion.

Clarification (4-6 minutes) • to clarify and review the meaning of some target language words

I point to the pictures and students say what they see in each pictures. the English words they use, go on the board and they will be chorally and individually repeated.

Pre-reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare the students for the text

I stick the names of 4 celebrations on the board and give some pictures to my students. They work together and decide where each picture goes. one member of the group stands up and come to the board to put the picture in the right category.

While reading (6-8 minutes) • to provide students with a reading for gist task

I put the short messages on the wall and put the students into small groups and ask them to go to each paper and start reading. They should know what is happening in each part because they are going to explain their text to their friends.

Post Reading (8-10 minutes) • to chack students' comprehension

I show my students a slide with a list of questions. They should write the answers to those question and compare them with their partner. In the end, the correct answers will go on the board.

Wrap up (8-10 minutes) • to give the students a chance for reviewing what they get during that session

I write a list of questions on the board and ask my students to work in groups and say what they did in their last party. their answers must be related to the questions I have on the board.

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