Matt Matt

Listening: how to enjoy it while improving
Low Intermediate level


20 students


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Main Aims

  • To provide students with resources to listen and learn in English by themselves

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help students know HOW to listen effectively on their own


Warmer (5-7 minutes) • To set the stage for how listening can be enjoyable AND profitable

Personal Introduction and Goals for the time This tv series is about students learning English. Watch for what they don't understand! Why is listening hard? Mind your Language show, introduction (0-2:25) In small groups, talk about what went wrong in the understanding in this clip.

Discussion of topic (8-10 minutes) • To engage the Ss realistically in the difficulties of listening

Why is listening hard? Why is it important? Hard: Because every conversation can be different (accent, words, grammar, tone, situation, background noise...) Important: Good listening precedes good speaking. It opens up a huge world to you, filled with information and opportunities. This takes time! Talk with the person beside you about these two questions. (4 reasons each) WC FB - What are some of the answers that you came up with?

Possible Solutions (16-20 minutes) • To provide students with possible areas for them to further themselves through listening

WHAT do you listen to each day? in your language or in English? Make a list... Share with a partner. What do you ENJOY listening to? Circle them or add them - music, films, classes, tv shows, politics, motivational speaking, books, educational... What English do you know you can listen to? Listen to it very quietly. This is like the real world when you can't control how someone speaks. It will make you focus more. (DEMO) Listen to the way the language flows, the rhythm, the intonation! (DEMO) Listen and then copy it! This will help you practice intonation and accent naturally. Listen to the same audio several times. That way you can hear more details and not just the main idea. (DEMO) Listen for your problem areas, like articles. (DEMO) Listen for numbers. DEMO: Transcribe something. HINT: Don't use subtitles to practice listening; subtitles are reading practice!

Wrap Up (5-9 minutes) • To close things out with a fun activity

Use to show students a fun way to practice listening, even repeated listening, and to find out how well we are listening. Students must provide the words!

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