Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

All Part of the Job
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about questions in reported speech


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the questions in reported speech in the context of job interviews

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the meaning and function of the language used for telling someone what another person has asked us in the context of a job interview
  • To provide listening practice using an audio within the context of job interviews about the order of questions asked, followed by a second listening for fluency in pronunciation through sentence stress.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context through a video about the origin of job interviews

- T briefly mentions about the last job interview she had and asks the Ss about their own life and elicits their background experiences on the context. - T tells the Ss that they will be watching a video and asks them a question as pre-task: "Do you think the candidate got the job?" - T puts on the video: "The Origin of Job Interviews" (1.38)- The Armstrong and Miller Show - Series 2 Episode 6 - BBC One - T checks with the Ss the reply as feedback on the part viewed and elicits why they think like that.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the lexis in the audio

-T asks the Ss what actresses/actors do before getting a role in a film? and tries to elicit two vocabulary words that will take place in the audio that will be introduced in the coming stage: audition: (n) /ɑˈdɪʃən/ a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play script: (n) /ˈskrɪpt/ the written form of a play, movie, television show,

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To reinforce Ss context for the target language through an audio by a sequence activity

- T groups the Ss and gives them the task before playing the audio in which they will be putting in order the cut-ups related to the questions that will be asked in the audio. - T gets the Ss to listen to the recording and put the cut-ups in order, but will tell them they will only listen once. (1.35) [the audio R11.6 of Face 2 Face Intermediate Student's Book, the text of which is on p:156 of the same source] - When they are finished, T asks them to get up and check the other groups answers for general F/B, A/K is provided by the T.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language through guided discovery

- T will give a HO Ss will be working alone to this task. - T will provide Ss HO's that is going to have meaning and form from 5a and 5b of the same source stated above. In 5a will be eliciting the meaning of the target language and 5b will be eliciting the form. - The A/K will be provided by the T.

Practice for fluency in pronunciation and stress of the TL (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss practice the stress of the reported questions

- T makes different pairs and tells the Ss that they will be listening to the audio once more and to pay extra attention to pronunciation. - T explains the Ss on the HO that they will be putting the stress on the words that are stressed in the recording and makes a demo on the first sentence, (which is also exemplified in the HO) using the WB. - The second listening is done after the T instructs the task to be completed: Which words are stressed in the given sentences? - Ss work in pairs and complete the task together.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- T gives a HO where there are 6 questions that the people in real life have asked in interviews (Ex.7 of the same source p: 87) - The first one is done as an example on the HO and the T shows it as a demo to the Ss. - The Ss wil work individually on this and will do peer check when they are finished. - the A/K will be reflected to the board through the OHP for the students to get the correct replies.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T makes groups of 4 from the students . They all come to the middle of the class with their chairs. - Ss wil role play as the HR manager, 1st candidate and 2 nd candidate. They will change places after 3 questions and all will tell about the questions asked in the interview to each other, to actively use the target language in the roles they play. - The Ss mingle and the T tells them that there will be a small party downstairs and thanks for being in this wonderful organization.

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