Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

Dangers at Sea
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be practicing their listening skills accompanied by some pronunciation practice, in the context of dangers at sea. The lesson will start with a discussion about beaches and problems that people can have at a beach. It will be followed by a very short lexis part in which students will be familiarized to the context. After this, two different activities will be given to Ss as listening for specific information on the chosen audio with peer check and second listening to follow if necessary. Finally ss will be introduced to linking in connected speech to increase the accuracy in their pronunciation skills. The lesson will end with an activity where the ss find the linking words in the paragraphs taken from the audio they had listened.


Abc Food and food shop pictures
Abc HO from the student's book with questions
Abc HO from the student's book with sentences
Abc Answer Key
Abc Pictured cards
Abc Realia

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about "Dangers at Sea" with two different activities; question answering and choosing the correct word.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in pronunciation through practices of linking in connected speech within the context of the listening piece: Dangers at Sea.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and get the background knowledge from the Ss

T will talk about the Barbados trip she had 2 years ago, and ask the Ss if anybody had been in an island before, surrounded by the sea, checking on their previous experience on holidays at seaside. T then gives the Ss 2 questions and asks them to discuss these, working in pairs. The questions are given in a HO adapted from "Face 2 Face -Intermediate - p: 64". 1) When did you last go to the beach? Where was it? 2) What kind of problems can people have at the beach? After 2 minutes, T elicits the replies from the Ss; WC F/B.

Pre-Listening - Vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text with lexis on the subject

The T elicits the word "attack" from the Ss through a picture and the CCQs listed below: • Do you think that the shark is friendly? • Is the shark trying to bite the boat? • May the man on the boat get injured? - (to) attack (v) - /əˈtæk/ : to act violently against (someone or something) : to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone) T does choral drilling for pronunciation, the word "attack" is written on the WB, T shows the stress on the second syllable.

While-Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with specific information listening task with questions

The T gives a HO to the Ss with 2 sections -task before audio technique- (both taken from Face 2 Face Intermediate St. Book. p: 64 Ex. 2b and 2c.) The upper section has 4 questions: 1) What has happened in the USA? 2) What are dead zones? 3) What causes dead zones? 4) How many dead zones are there? T tells the Ss to fold the page when she gives it out, so that only the first part with the questions are visible. T gives the instruction that is also written on the HO: Listen to the TV news report and answer the questions. While listening for a specific information, the Ss individually give replies and then do peer check. (The recording will be listened again if needed.) WC F/B through nominating all 4 questions.

While-Listening #2 (11-13 minutes) • To provide students with another listening task for specific information, choosing the correct word

After the first task is completed the T regroups the class through colored card picking: dolphins & sharks. The Ss are asked to unfold the HO the T had given in the last activity before listening to the audio for the second time. Ss listen to the audio and choose the correct one of the alternatives for the 7 sentences written in the second part of the HO. The activity continues with peer check and playing the audio again if needed. T will project the HO in the WB using the OHP. The FB will be elicited from the Ss, as they come to the WB to underline the correct answers.

Post-Listening: Pronunciation (12-14 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice accuracy in pronunciation through connected speech within the context of the audio used in the lesson

T writes an example on the board and tries to elicit from the Ss the linkage between the consonant followed by a vowel. After that, she writes a sentence from the recording: "So what turns an area of the ocean into a dead zone?" showing the link between: - the last consonant 's' in' turns' to vowel 'a' in 'an' & - the consonant 'n' in 'an' to first vowel 'a' in 'area' making emphasis on how the sounds are linked and this is a part of connected speech. For accuracy in pronunciation and fluency in speaking the T does back-chaining, the sentence written on the WB. After the practice, she writes on the board the sentence: "We usually link words that end in a consonant sound with words that start with a consonant/vowel sound." and elicit from the Ss which alternative is correct (vowel). T pairs the Ss according to the first letter of their names this time and gives a HO with two paragraphs from the audio; the paper is folded again. She asks them to look at the first paragraph and draw the links with colored pens. When they are finished, the Ss will check their answers with their peers. The A/K will be reflected on the WB through the OHP and delayed error correction is made by the T, of what has been noted throughout the lesson during monitoring. The lesson ends with the drilling of some sentences for correct and fluent pronunciation with the WC. The second exercise on connected speech to be practiced with a different paragraph from the recording will/will not be used checking the whole understanding of the TL by the Ss and if the time permits.

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