Kimberley Ela Glabeke Kimberley Ela Glabeke

Assessed TP 1
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will be focussing on grammar. They will be practising the present continuous and the future (form of the verb 'be' + going to + the infinitive of the verb). Students will firstly complete an exercise which involves rearranging words which are in the wrong order into interrogatives. Then they will be asking each other those questions in pairs. This is then followed by an exercise in which they imagine they are the mayor and can change things about their town to make it better for tourism. They will do this in pairs or in small groups if the class consists of an uneven number of students.


Abc Exercise HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the future tense (form of 'to be' + going to + infinitive) and present continuous in the context of tourism in Istanbul.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled speaking practice to develop spoken accuracy in a consensus building and conversational practise in the context of Improving Istanbul for tourists and including the future tense.


Warmer/ lead in (2-3 minutes) • To engage students and introduce a context

I will start by introducing the context, which is the future tense upon obtaining the students' attention. I will explain when we use the future tense. I will ask who is already familiar with it and if they know how to use it.

Explanation of future tense and present continuous tense. (7-9 minutes) • For students to understand how and when we use this and for them to be able to recognise the difference between when tenses are used.

I will explain how and when we use the present continuous and the future tense by writing on the white board. There will be two columns drawn on the WB, one with the heading 'future' and it's example listed here and one with the heading 'present continuous' and it's examples. I will give the examples 'she is dancing' (pres. cont.) and 'we are going to swim' (fut.). I will explain that we always use the verb 'to be'. The present continuous can be used to demonstrate that something is happening right now, e.g. 'you are learning English now', to show that something is happening now and will continue (in progress) e.g 'I am reading Orhan Pamuk's book' or actions that will happen in the near future (soon) e.g 'he is coming to the party tonight'. I will exemplify these and write the above examples on the WB so students have a reminder while I am explaining and throughout my next activity. In the next activity each student will be given a sentence with either the present continuous or the future tense. They will be asked to stick them on the WB with blue tack under the heading of which tense it is and we will check it as a class using WCFB.

First exercise on HO (12-15 minutes) • For students to rearrange the words in the first exercise into interrogatives and, after forming pairs and groups, ask each other the questions they have formed.

I will present the HO through chesting and explain the first exercise on the sheet, through pointing. I will explain that they must formulate questions from the set of words they are given. To make it easier for sts to understand, I will ask the WC to complete the first question with me and I will write it on the WB. Then they should complete it alone. After 7 minutes, I will pair them with their peers, or if the class consists of an uneven number of students into a group of 3 too. Then I will explain that the students should ask each other the questions they have just formulated to the person they are working with and switch so they both ask and answer. They will do this back to back, so their focus is solely on the questions, and distractions, e.g speaking Turkish, chatting with other students is more avoidable. I aim to make this clear through demonstrating with another student. I will place 2 chairs back to back and ask that student the first question and they can ask me too, so we are both given the chance to answer. Then students should put their chairs back to back and do as was demonstrated. If there is a group of 3, they should do this exercise in a semi-circle and ask and answer questions in a clock-wise direction. I will explain this to that group separately if necessary.

Last exercise on the HO (15-18 minutes) • For students to debate about why Istanbul does/does not attract tourists, to recognise a problem and using the pres. cont. and future explain how they would fix it in a presentation to the class.

This exercise I will start by asking students whether or not many tourists come to Istanbul and why? Do they think tourists like or don't like Istanbul? Then I will ask if they don't like something why not. Do they think anything needs changing? I will discuss this with the WC. Then I will tell them that they are the mayor of Istanbul and they can solve a problem. In their pairs from the last exercise I will tell them to think of 6 things that need improvement in Istanbul for tourists. They can change it, so they should also discuss with their partner how they will solve the problem. What do they think the result will be when they solve the problem? I will write these guidelines on the WB, so students are reminded to stay on task. After about 12-15 minutes, I will ask pairs to list their problems, how they can be fixed and what the outcome will be in front of the class.

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