Omar Alderbas Omar Alderbas

Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about and talk about what animals and people can do in the context of 'Ability'. The lesson starts with a discussion about what people can see in a zoo. This is followed by True/False, controlled, semi-controlled and freer-practice activities.


Abc Visuals No.1 (a zoo)
Abc Matching Exercise (HO1)
Abc Visuals No.2 (A3 Pics)
Abc True/False (HO2)
Abc Visuals No.3 & Sentences.

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled, semi-controlled and freer speaking practice of the TL in the context of ability.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a review of some vocabulary in the context of animals to use them later to talk about animals' ability.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To let the students brainstorm some words related to the topic. To get the students interested and involved in the topic.

A picture of a zoo will appear on the WB. Sts will discuss in pairs the questions: - What can you see there? What kind of animals? - What can these animals do? WCFB.

Presenting vocabulary (7-9 minutes) • To present some vocabulary for the students to use them in speaking.

Sts will work individually and match between the words (monkey, bat, cheetah, lizard, frog, pigeon, penguin and parrot) and the pictures of these words on papers. ICQ: Will you match or fill gaps? Match. ICQ: Will you work alone or with your friends? Alone. ICQ: How much time do you have? 4 minutes. Sts will check their answers in pairs. Sts will have the answer keys on papers. Sts will repeat the words after the T and the teacher will elicit the word class and the stress for each word.

Controlled-practice on the TL (8-9 minutes) • To let the students use (can & can't) to make sentences about the abilities of the animals.

T will give every two sts a blank paper to write their names on. Sts will have A3 pictures of the animals on the wall with some verbs in each picture. Sts will walk around the pictures and write sentences using (can & can't). T will take the papers from the sts and get them to read their sentences. Sts will say if the sentences are correct or wrong.

True or False (4-6 minutes) • To make the students more familiar with the concept 'Ability'.

Sts will read some sentences to decide whether they are true or false. ICQ: Will you read and choose True or False? Yes. Sts will check their answers in pairs. WCFB.

Semi-controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide the students with a chance to discuss some abilities.

T will show the sts a picture of himself. Sentences will appear around the picture. Sts will discuss in groups whether the sentences are true or not. ICQ: Will you speak in Turkish or Japanese or English? English. ICQ: Are all the sentences true? No. ICQ: How much time do you have? 4 minutes. WC discussion about the sentences.

Freer practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice freely the TL.

Sts will write four sentences about themselves (three are true and only one is false) using *can & can't*. ICQ: How many sentences will you write? Four. ICQ: 3 are true and one is false? Yes. Sts will mingle and ask the other sts to guess the false sentence. WCFB: T will ask sts about each other's false sentence. T will write some wrong and correct sentences and get sts to say which one is correct and which one is wrong. Sts will correct wrong sentences by themselves.

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