Mohamed Khalaf Mohamed Khalaf

Tough decisions
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use "could have", should have" and would have" to express their feelings about decisions they had to make in the past through guided discovery. The lesson will start with a story of a difficult situation where the teacher had to make a very tough decision in the past.


Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of could have,should have and would have in the context of tough decisions in the past.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a story in the context of a tough decision you had to make in the past.


Lead in (5-6 minutes) • To set the context and engage the students

The teacher tells a story about a tough decision he had to make in the past to get them engaged. T projects pictures to aid with story. -T has students discuss the following question in groups: Do you think it's OK to make tough decisions by flipping a coin?

Guided discovery (17-20 minutes) • To guide the Ss to discover the meaning and the form of the grammar

T gives the students a handout that includes three sentences from the story he told in the lead in stage to expose them to the target language. They will work in pairs to decide whether they agree or disagree with each sentence. 1-I shouldn't have left my wife alone. 2-She could have died in the ocean. 3-It would have been better to force her to come with me. T make them unfold the HO to clarify the meaning using CCQs. Should have 1-Did I leave her alone? (Yes) 2-Was it a good idea to leave her alone? (No) 3-Why wasn't it a good idea? (She could have died) Could have 1-Did she die? (No) 2-Was it possible for her to die? (Yes) 3-Does she regret it now? (Yes) Would have 1-Did I force her? (No) 2-Was it a good idea to force her? (Yes) 3-Do I regret not forcing her? (Yes) Then the students unfold the last part of the handout to write the form. The last step, teacher gives feedback an drills for pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice the meaning and form of target language

Students are given a handout to fill in the gaps with the target language. Ss check in pairs. Ss are given an answer key for feedback.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • Writing for accuracy

Students will be asked to write a short story from their past telling about decisions they made that weren't right and if time goes back they will change them. Ss work in groups and tell each others their stories. If time allows T regroups the students to have different partners to share the stories with.

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