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A good impression
Beginners A1I level


In this lesson, students will read six short readings about making good impression.They will do a gist task- matching pictures to the six paragraphs, then do a detailed reading where students need to answer the questions from the text. Next, students will be given vocabularies about clothes to match the pictures for preraration to post reading.They will have a discussion to personalize the lesson


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about a good impression

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of A good impression in the context of clothes


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show some pictures of people.I will elicit and check meaning of the vocabulary ( interwiev, good and bad impression, body language).If they cannot guess the words I will ask some CCQ to elicit the meanimg. - Are they in a cafe?no -Are they in a office?yes -Are they friends?no I will drill and then write it on the board.I will highlight the stress. Then, I will show a picture of a person in a suit.This will lead to the eliciting of (good impression) which will follow the steps above. I will introduce the third word by showing a picture of persons who are useing their bodylanguage. This will allow me to present the word (body language) and therefore follow with the same steps.

Brainstorming (4-5 minutes) • to activate the vocabularies they learnt

I will provide the students with instructions to work in pairs and ask them to discuss which is more important at a interview : using body language or physical appearence. The time limit is 3 minutes .Then, I will get quick feedback

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • to understand the main idea of a passage without paying attention to details

I will give students the six readings and six pictures and ask them to match the pictures to the readings.I will ask them to check the answers with their partners and then I get WC feedback and choose volunteers to write the answers on the board

detailed reading (6-7 minutes) • to find specific information in a given text

I will ask the students to read the paragraphs and answer the questions on detailed reading handouts.They will be given 3 minutes to do this.Then they can check their anwers in pairs.Afterwards I will choose volunteers to right the answers on the board.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for free practise

I will give them handouts which has thirteen words and thirteen pictures about clothes to match the words with the pictures. They will be given 3 minutes to do this. They will work alone. then they will check their answers with their partners. I will get WC feedback and write the answers on the board.

Post-Reading/ speaking (8-12 minutes) • To personalize the context of the reading

I divide students into 3 groups.All of the groups will have a discussion about how to make a good impression when you have a job interview..I will give hand outs which has two questions on it about discussion. What do you do to make good impression at a interview? What do you wear when you are at a interview? They will given 5 minutes to discuss these questions.While they are discussing I will be monitoring with a piece of paper and recording errors.As we are approaching the last few minutes of class,Iwill write their errors and get them correct the mistakes

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