Walid Baitelmal Walid Baitelmal

Food and shopping lists
Beginners level


In this lesson students will have the chance to have multiple speaking practices in the context of food and shopping lists. during these speaking activities they will improve their fluency and accuracy using "how much/ how many " and " some/any " with countable and uncountable nouns.


Abc shopping lists and money
Abc conversation fill in the gaps
Abc conversation order HO
Abc picture of a shop

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation using "how much / how many" in the context of food and shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of using "how much/ how many " "some/any" with countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food and shopping


Lead in (4-6 minutes) • to set the context of the lesson

- Show the students a picture of a shop. - Ask the students what it is -Students in pairs talk about things they usually buy from the shops. - Take some general feedback

useful language (6-8 minutes) • to highlight useful language for the coming productive tasks

-Students in pairs will complete a conversation between a shop assistant and a customer with. - clarify that they will use the words between brackets to complete the conversation. ask ICQs : will you work alone or in pairs ? ( pairs ) how much time do you have ? ( 2 min.) - Show the conversation with the projector - students come out and write the answers. - have some general feedback. - students in pairs practice the conversation.

Controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice using the target language

- Regroups the students to let them work in new - Give the students cut papers with sentences from a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant. - Students put the sentence in order in pairs . ask ICQs : will you work alone or in pairs ? ( pairs ) how much time do you have ? 3 min. ( monitor and help when needed.) - Students write the sentences in order on the WB. - Have some general feed back

Controlled speaking practice (3-5 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice using the target language to enhance their accuracy

- Students in their new pairs practice the conversation and switch the roles. - Monitor and do some error correction if it is in the TL.

Freer speaking practice (8-11 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice using the target language to enhance their fluency along with the accuracy.

- Give each student a shopping list , some pictures of different kinds of food and drink and papers like 5tl bill. - Students will move around and ask for their shopping list items from other students using the language practiced in the previous exercise. students will have to ask about the price and buy the things when they find them. - demonstrate with another teacher how to play the game before they start. - monitor and notice any mistakes for the delayed feedback error correction.

Delayed feedback (2-4 minutes) • To highlight the mistakes done by the students.

- write any mistakes you have noticed on the WB. - elicit the correction from students. - clarify why .

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