Shahab Raeisi Shahab Raeisi

Interfering with Nature
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will read a text about cloning and genetic engineering. The session starts with some elicitation to engage them to the text. Students then will work together to match some words and phrases with their definition. Students will also read for gist and details and finally they have a discussion session about the TL


Abc Matching HO
Abc Reading text
Abc Matching HO-2
Abc Titles

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and deduction for students to fully engage to the topic and discuss it in full details

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency in speaking about the positive and negative role of science in our lives


Lead-in/ Warmer (1-3 minutes) • To greet the students and set the scence for the lesson

The teacher greets the learners and asks them to how they feel and sets the class scene for the lesson.

Pre-Reading (5-8 minutes) • Get the learners interested in the topic, initial discussion of key themes, make an explicit link between the topic of the text and students own lives and experience, focus on important language that will come in the text.

The teacher puts the learners into pairs and provides some picture related to topic(medical science, Interfering with nature, organ damages). The teacher asks the learners to stand up and look at the picture and discuss what they might be about. The teacher asks concept check questions (in the LA sheet)to elicit some ideas and directs the students to the topic. The teacher provides some material for the vocabularies related to the topic on the walls and asks the learners to match the definitions to the related words and phrases. Then they should check other friend's matching and check for possible mistakes.

While-Reading #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide gist reading for the learners in order to get the general idea of the text

The teacher tells the learners to read the text which has four parts for three minutes and choose the best title for each part Students read for gist for four minutes and choose the best title for each section. Students read individually and match the four titles and check with their partners.

While-Reading#2 (5-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging reading tasks

The teacher tells the class that they are going to read the text and find words or phrases that means the same as words or phrases in exercise 4. The learners read the text again and match the words and phrases together. students check the answers with their partners and The teacher puts the AK on the walls. The learners should stand up and check their answers.

Post-Reading (5-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for the learners to practice the target productive skills

The learners get into new groups and discuss about advantages and disadvantages of scientific developments, and if they are for or against the idea. At the end, One agent from each group changes the seat with another agent and reports his/her group's general opinion on the issue

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