Saeed Sabeti Saeed Sabeti

Saeed TP6
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, Ss will learn passive voice through guided discovery. Ss will be guided to figure out the meaning and the form of passive voice in the context of Olympics. This is followed by controlled practices, which eventually lead to a speaking activity for accuracy. In this avtivity, Ss play a quiz game in groups.


Abc True/False sentences
Abc Grammar Game
Abc CP - Passive
Abc Guided Discovery HO
Abc Passive table - Answers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of passive voice in the context of Olympics

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a quiz game in the context of sports


lead-in/warmer (3-4 minutes) • to attract Ss attention

- T asks Ss what they got from the reading text they worked on the their previous lesson, and whether on not there was anything surprising for them. - T has Ss discuss the following question in groups of three. Do you think women can compete against men in everything? Why?

Guided Discovery (15-20 minutes) • To guide Ss to discover the meaning and form of the grammar

- T uses projector to ask two true/false questions from the text. 1. Louise Crandal was awarded her first international championship gold medal in Brazil. (False) 2. The first world championships were held in 1979. (True) - Ss are given a HO and asked to work in pairs to answer the questions 1 to 6. - T will monitor to observe how the Ss are doing and whether they have problems. - After T makes sure everyone has done the task, Ss will be given the second HO where they need to find the examples of all the passive verbs in the text. - T projects the answers to the board at the end of the exercise. - T gets FB on the meaning and form of passive, and works on the pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • to practice the meaning and form of passive

- Ss are given a HO where they need to choose the correct answer individually. - Ss check their answers in pairs.

Grammar games (10-11 minutes) • to have Ss make sentences using the TL

- Ss are put into groups of five and given 9 cards which include the answers to the questions of the previous exercise. T tells them that they cannot look at the questions again. - Ss will be told that the team that writes the most correct answer in 2 minutes wins. - T corrects their mistakes from the board at the end.

Semi-Controlled Practice (If time allows) (6-8 minutes) • speaking for accuracy

- Ss are asked to write 2 questions about sports in their country individually. - Ss will be put into pairs to ask and answer questions. - T corrects their mistakes at the end of the activity.

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