Omar Alderbas Omar Alderbas

What's on?
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, Ss read 'What's on' page and learn how to find out about many types of advertisements. Ss expand their vocabulary of places in a town and learn how to suggest going out to someone, then they mingle and ask each other to go out after the class.


Abc Visuals 2
Abc Crossword (HO)
Abc Short video (a rock concert)
Abc Projector
Abc Text (What's on?) (HO)
Abc Visuals 1

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a "What's on?" page.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary practice in the context of places to go out.
  • To provide speaking practice about suggestions and making invitations using some specific expressions.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To get the Ss interested and involved in the topic (going out)

T uses the projector to show the Ss two pictures of famous teams in Istanbul and a famous film. T asks the Ss the following questions: Do you like sports? What is your favourite team? Do you go out to watch your favourite team? Do you like films? Do you go out to watch films at the cinema?

Teaching vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To introduce some places for going out.

T elicits the words (football match, art gallery, rock concert, the theatre and a play) by showing A3 pictures or very short video for (rock concert) and asking the following CCQs with drilling each phrase: A football match: Is there one team or two teams? Two. An art gallery: Do you go to art galleries to see paintings or watch films? To see paintings. A rock concert: Do you go there to relax or to dance and enjoy the music? To relax and ... The theatre: Do you watch a play or a film in the theatre? A film. A play: Can you watch a play at the cinema? No T sticks the pictures on the w/b and write them with the stress.

controlled practice on the TL (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the TL.

T gives the Ss the crossword activity and asks them to write the words in the crossword. ICQ: Where are the words that you are going to use? Ss will point at them. (Ss will be given 5 mins) ICQ: How much time do you have? 5 minutes. As Ss finish, T asks them to check their answers in pairs then w/c FB.

Reading for gist (5-6 minutes) • to orientate the students to the text.

T gives out the 'what's on' page and ask the Ss to read them quickly and count how many restaurants there are. T focuses on the capitalization of the first letter of the proper nouns and gives an example on the w/b. ICQ: Are you going to read quickly or slowly? Quickly. ICQ: Are you going to count restaurants or art galleries? Restaurants. (T monitors without interfering) As Ss finish, T asks them to check the answer in pairs then take w/c FB.

Detailed reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide a chance for students to read in depth and answer comprehension questions.

T gives the questions to the Ss and asks them to read again and answer. ICQ: Which questions are you going to answer? Ss will point at them ICQ; Are going to write the answers? Yes. (Ss will be given 6 mins) As Ss finish, T asks them to check their answers in pairs then w/c FB.

Speaking (5-6 minutes) • To familiarize the students with expressions about making suggestions, refusing and accepting.

T pretends that he is going out now and invites some Ss to go with him. T uses the projector to show some useful language and asks the Ss to mingle and invite each other to go somewhere. ICQ: Which sentences are you going to use? ICQ: Are you going to say or no? (T monitors and writes some mistakes) After this, T takes w/c FB.

Wrap-up (3-5 minutes) • To give language FB.

T writes the mistakes/errors of Ss on the w/b and get them to correct for themselves.

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