Özlem Gökdemir Özlem Gökdemir

Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students develop their reading skills by skimming and scanning. And also they will have the opportunity to lesrn new vocabularies. The students will practice not only reading for gist but also detailed reading. Besides, The students will discuss their ideas about the context in groups


Abc Pictures of The Pyramids and The Bermuda Triangle
Abc Unsolved Real Life Mysteries

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed in the context of Real Life Unsolved Mysteries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Unsolved mysteries in Turkey


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to elicit the words unsolved and mystery to set the context. After eliciting the words, I am going to put a picture of the pyramids on the WB to create interest in the context of unsolved real life mysteries. I am going to ask a few questions about the pyramids to give them ideas about mysteries.

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

After creating interest in the context of unsolved real life mysteries by showing a picture of the Pyramids and The Bermuda Triangle. I want the students to work in pairs. I want them to think and talk about unsolved real life mysteries. After that, I want them to give their ideas about the context.( the whole class feedback).

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist

I am going to divide the students in 4 groups (A,B,C and D) and explain that each group will read a different text. I am going to instruct them to read the text quickly and find out 1.What is the topic of the text? by choosing the correct answer. a) Mysterious Death b) Mysterious Disappearance c) Unbelievable movement of the statues d) The evidence of the existence I am going to instruct each group to stand up and move the side of the room containing the text they have been allocated. Give each group 2 minutes to read and choose the correct topic.And then the students will check their answers with their partners and clarify what the text is about. I want the students to stand up again and read the text one more time in one minute. The students will sit back down in a different group. I am going to instruct them to summarise their text.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task

I am going to give each group a handout containing one text ( the same text that they had read for the first time) and instruct them to look at the highlighted words and want them to match the highlighted word with their definitions. I am going to divide the WB into 4 parts and write the highlighted words on the WB. After that I am going to instruct them to put the correct definition to get feedback.After getting FB, I am going to elicit the stress. I will divide the class in 2 groups and I am going to give each group a handout containing different two texts and instruct them to read the texts carefully and want them to answer the questions. After that, I want the students to discuss their ideas with their partners and I am going to nominate 2 students in each group and want them to share their ideas. ( the whole class feedback).

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I am going to divide the class in two groups and instruct them to choose one topic ( e.g. mysterious murder, unsolved situations or supernatural happenings). And then I want them to talk about the topic that they have choosen. After they finish discussing, I want them to nominate one person. The person that they have nominated will change the group and tell them their opinion.

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