Omar Alderbas Omar Alderbas

On holiday
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, Ss use some expressions in the context of 'Holiday' to describe places. Ss listen to people talking about some places and discover what they can do in those places.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and speaking practice of the lexical set in the context of 'Holiday'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice in the context of 'Holiday'.
  • To provide speaking practice for collocations with 'Go'.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set the context and to get the Ss interested and involved in the topic.

T sticks some A3 pictures related to holidays on the w/b. T asks the students: What do you like to do on holidays? T uses the projector to show the following sentences: I go shopping & I go to restaurants on holidays (go + -ing / go + to + a place) will be highlighted. T asks the students to work in pairs and answer the question above. T takes some FB and elicits the difference between 'go' and 'go to'.

Presenting vocabulary (8-9 minutes) • To focus on collocations with the verb 'go' in the context of 'holiday'.

T elicits the words by visuals. T focuses on the meaning by asking the following CCQs: Go swimming: Do you say go swimming or go swim? Go shopping: where do you usually go shopping? Go walking: do you prefer to go walking in the morning or in the evening? Go sightseeing: did you ever go sightseeing in another country? Go camping: did you ever go camping? Go skiing: do you usually go skiing in a hot place or cold place? Go to restaurants: who do you usually go to restaurants with? Go to art galleries: what do you see at art galleries? Go to museums: Give me an example of a big museum in Istanbul. Go to clubs or discos: do you like to go dancing in discos on the weekends? After the CCQs, T drills the new lexical items with focus on the stress.

Controlled-practice on the TL (7-8 minutes) • To provide a chance for practicing the new lexical items.

T divides w/b into two columns (go + -ing / go to+ places) T hands out pictures of the target words and asks students to stick the pictures in the right column. ICQ: T models the activity by sticking the first picture in the right place since the students are elementary level and T needs to make sure that students understand what is being asked from them. (T monitors but doesn't interfere) T plays the audio and lets the students check their answers. If there are any mistakes, T lets the students try to correct their mistakes first then reviews the collocations with 'go + -ing' & 'go to + places' T asks the students to go through the expressions and ask each other: Which things do you usually do and which things you never do on holidays? ICQ: T asks a student one question as an example to follow.

Pre-listening (4-5 minutes) • To give the Ss an idea about what they are going to listen to.

T sticks on the w/b four A3 pictures of Dubai, Rome, Rocky Mountains and Phra Nang. T asks the following and takes w/c FB: What do you know about these cities, where are they? Did you go there before? Which city would you like to go to?

Gist listening (4-5 minutes) • To introduce the audio to the Ss.

T tells the Ss that they are going to listen to four people talking about these places (referring to the pictures on the w/b) and asks them to answer the question: -Which picture is it? T pauses after every part of the record to take Ss' FB.

Detalid listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide a chance for Ss to listen in depth and answer comprehension questions.

T gives the Ss six sentences on papers to read them quickly and says that they are going to listen again and choose which place they are about. ICQ: T pretends that he is listening to the record and chooses a random city for the first sentence. T plays the record again to let the Ss check their answers and take w/c FB.

Post listening (5-6 minutes) • To personalize the TL.

T gives every pair of Ss (A & B) a picture of a famous place. Student A hides the picture and describes the activities which one can do in this city. Student B tries to guess this city. Ss swap roles. ICQ: T models the activity with a strong S in front of the class. T monitors and takes notes of Ss' mistakes and writes them on the w/b. T asks the Ss to correct the mistakes.

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