Lale Kanmaz Lale Kanmaz

Grammar - Past Simple Questions
Beginners level


In this lesson students will be introduced to the past simple questions in the context of past holidays. I will elicit the grammatical structure through a listening activity. The students will complete controlled and semi-controlled tasks to practice using the grammar accurately.


Abc exercises coursebook
Abc listening 2.34
Abc listening listening 2.33
Abc Pictures of Singapore

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past simple questions in the context of past holidays.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of asking people what they did.
  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about a business trip to Singapore in the context of asking people what they did.


Lead in (4-8 minutes) • To set the context of the listening

The teacher shows pictures of Singapore and asks the students: - "Do you know which city this is?" - "Do you know in which country Singapore is?" - "What do you think you can do there?"

Listening for main idea (3-5 minutes) • Listening for gist

The teacher shows a photo of Masumi and says: "This is Masumi. Where do you think she's from?" Japan or USA... "We are going to listen to Masumi, she is going to tell us about her trip." Teacher gives hand out with questions and reads the questions. Then she tells the students that they have to listen to the text and choose the best answers for the questions. I will give them 3 minutes to choose the best answer and they have to work alone. ICQ's: - "What will we do?" Listen to the text. - "Will you work alone or togehter?" Alone. - "How many time do yoy have?" After the students have finished, we will check the answers in WC.

Listening for specific information (3-5 minutes) • Identifying past simple questions in the listening text

The teacher shows the questions and tells the students that these are sentences from the listening text. I will instruct them to complete the questions with the words in the box - they can use a word more than one time. I will give them 5 minutes for this exercise, they work alone. ICQ's: - "Which words are we going to use?" - "Can we use the words more than one time?" - "Do you work alone?" - "How much time do you have?" While students are doing the exercise, I will write the questions on the WB. When the students are finished, they can listen again. Students can come to the WB to complete the questions and we will check the answers all together.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of past simple questions

The teacher shows the questions on the WB and asks: - "Are these sentences or questions?" - "Are these questions in the past or now?" - "What is the same in these questions?" - "They all start with....?" The teacher writes the form of the past simple question on the WB. And then I will write the past simple positive in one column and the past simple question in another column. We will focus on the pronunciation /dIdju/ and the stress on the main verb. I will drill the pronunciation of "did you have", write it on the WB. I will elicit some other examples using the past simple positive and the students will make questions using the correct pronunciation.

Controlled practice. (7-10 minutes) • To assist students with using the past simple questions

Teacher shows handout with exercise 2 and instructs the students they have to ask each other questions using "Did you..." We will do the first together. I will do ICQ's: "Do you work alone?, Do you write the answers down?" Students will work in pairs. Student A asks questions using "Did you..." from exercise 2, student B went on a trip to Singapore and answers the questions. When they are finished they switch roles. The teacher monitors and does immediate error correction of mistakes with the target language.

Semi-controlled speaking practice (4-7 minutes) • To provide students semi-controlled writing/speaking practice to use past simple questions.

The teacher writes a sentence on the WB about a place she went recently. I will write: "I went to Capadocia." Students will ask questions like "Did you like it there?", "Did you go by bus?", "Did you visit ...?" Then, each student has to write a sentence about a place they went to. I will collect all the sentences and give one to other students. The students will read the sentence they received and write three questions. I will walk around and check the questions. When they finished making questions, the students will move round the class and find the preson who wrote the sentence. They will ask the questions they have prepared. Then they move again to answer questions from other students.

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