Emad Aljanabi Emad Aljanabi

TP 5
Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will have the opportunity to read about the history of the red phone boxes in Britain and say whether they have any phone boxes in their country(s) as well. Also, the students will learn some new vocabulary that they may make use of them in their writing and speaking exercises


Abc Matching handout
Abc comprehension questions
Abc Work from page 93
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc A handout with questions about the text
Abc Pictures of red phone boxes

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about red phone boxes in Britain in the context of history of phone boxes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of some prepositional phrases in the context of daily routines


warmer/lead in (2-3 minutes) • To set a context for the lesson

- Using the projector, T will show pictures of red phone boxes and ask the Ss about the country in which these phone boxes are found. Then, T will have Ss talk about those they have in their country(s).

Reading for gist (4-5 minutes) • To gain Ss' interest in the topic

- T will ask the students to skim the text in two minutes and choose the correct answer from the answers on the board. T will write: The main idea of the text is: 1- The importance of phone boxes. 2- The history of phone boxes. 3- How to make a phone box Feedback: Check in pairs, whole-class elicit (with justification).

Reading for details (8-10 minutes) • To motivate Ss to use reading techniques ( scanning)

-T will give Ss a handout with questions to be read and answered after rereading the text. Feedback: Check in pairs (after switching partners), whole-class.

Vocab contextual guessing (6-9 minutes) • To help the Ss improve their ability to guess the meaning of the words in their contexts

T will give the students cuts of papers, some with words (taken from the text) and others with the meanings of these words. In groups, Ss will match the words to their meanings. Feedback: regrouping to check, whole-class elicitation.

Post Reading (5-10 minutes) • To motivate Ss to use their productive skills (speaking) and share their ideas

T will give the Ss another handout with comprehension questions and have them work in pairs to discuss the questions. T circulates and collect mistakes to be corrected at the end of the activity. Feedback: share with the group, whole-class (with justification) Error correction FB.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of TL

-Ss will be given a gap-fill handout to guess the correct preposition that should be put in the gap to form a prepositional phrase. -Ss work in pairs and check their answers. Afterwards, Ss listen and check their answers as a class. T will write the prepositional phrases on the WB Feedback: check in pairs, whole-class Errors correction FB

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • Check Ss' understanding about the TL

If there is time, Ss will take turns to ask and answer the questions. T circulates and collect errors to be corrected at the end of the activity. Feedback: whole-class, errors correction

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