Cates: TP8- The POWER of Nature
Intermediate level


Lesson covers lexis pertaining to natural events such as floods, eclipses, and earthquakes. It also offers listening exercises and delves briefly into some grammar (narrative verb forms).


Abc Questions from Ex 4.2 goals

Main Aims

  • To provide vocab practice of a lexical set: flood, a hurricane, an eclipse, a tsunami, the northern lights, an earthquake, a forest fire, a volcanic eruption

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice for main idea and detail, and also exposure to some narrative verb forms (grammar)


Warmer/Lead-in (7-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll show slides of various natural events (flood, earthquake, etc.) and ask them to identify. (Pairs: 1 minute) I'll ask them to discuss in pairs which of the events have occurred in Turkey in their lifetimes. I'll elicit a sample of answers from WC.

Exposure (7-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through listening activity (main idea)

I'll tell them they are going to listen to a recording, and I'll play it. (1.36) (Pairs: 1 min) Ss will discuss what they heard in pairs. I will check understanding of following: landlady, roof, canals of water, subsided; packed with people, headed down to..., total (eclipse), eerie, atmosphere, odd, glad, missed After I'll ask which natural events were the speakers talking about? Also, what was the experience like for them?

Highlighting (7-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I'll tell them they are going to listen again, for more detail this time. (Pairs: 1 min) I'll give them a handout with questions for them to read and discuss in pairs. Ss will listen again to the recording (1.36), part 1. They can compare notes then we'll listen to part 2. I'll ask if they wish to hear again. Next I'll ask them to answer the questions from the handout.

Clarification of grammar/narrative verb forms (6-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

I will show the following sentences on WB -- I was living (A) in Sri Lanka when the tsunami hit (B). We found out there had been (C) an earthquake. I'll ask questions from Ex 4a, and demonstrate on WB. I may demonstrate with a cline as: <-------------C------------B----------------------now--------------------> A A A A A

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

(Pairs: 5 mins) I'll ask Ss to move into pairs. I'll show tem the excerpt of the stories and explain they must circle the right verb forms. Next they'll switch pairs and check their work. After we'll do a short review.

Free Practice and Wrap-Up (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(Solo: 3 mins) I'll ask Ss to write a brief story about their own experiences using a gap fill handout I created. They can write what they like as long as they build it around the target language. If they don't have a story they can make something up. Next I'll ask if anyone would like to share the story with the class, then I'll tell my own.

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