Aden Aden

Adens comparatives and superlatives Tp4
B2 level


Using a reading passage we will elicit comparatives and superlatives, revising the rules of comparatives and then bringing focus to the quantifiers before the words. Elicit meaning and function of quantifiers followed by some controlled practice and then some freer practice of the quantifiers.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of comparatives and superlatives in the context of technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of technology


Leader in/Warm up (3 minutes) • To introduce the topic

Ask students questions about items of modern technology today

Eliciting TL (10-12 minutes) • To elicit TL from ss

Give out the reading and put it up on the projector. Brıng the ss attentıon to the underlıned word in the first paragraph and elicit from ss what the underlined word is. The answer should be 'a Superlative'. Brıng ss attentıon to the second underlined word in the next paragraph, What is this? The answer should be 'a comparative'. Ask some CCQ'S about comparatives such as ' do superlatives compare 2 things' and quickly elicit the rules for comparatives and superlatives concerning one or more sylalbles. Once I'm sure the ss understand the concept I will ask them to fınd all of the comparatives in the passage. Once they have finished they will discuss and then I will put the answer up on the Overhead.

Quantifiers (7-9 minutes) • Elicit MFP from ss concerning the quantifiers before the comparatives and superlatives

Brıng ss attention to the phrase 'a little bit smaller' in the passage. Elicit meaning and function. ask CCQ 'Does a little bit smaller express a BİG difference?' Once I'm sure they understand I wıll give them the next activity, whıch will be to categorise a list of quantifiers into big or small difference. Complete on own and dıscuss in pairs. Put answer key on the overhead.

Drilling (3-5 minutes) • To check structure and drill examples of quantifiers in context

First elicit from ss the structure and then drill a series of contextualised sentences with the ss

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To give the ss some controlled practice of the TL

Give the ss a gap-fill activity focusing on TL. Complete the activity in pairs. Put answer key on board.

Freer practice (10-12 minutes) • To give the students freer practice of the TL

In groups of 3 the ss will choose one item of technology they feel has changed our lives and together discuss this. The ss will nominate one secretary who will write 2-4 sentences about this item of technology. Once ss have completed the activity one person from each group will move to another and they will discuss in these new groups their comparisons.

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