Can and Can't
Elementary level


In this lesson ss will be learning gramatic order of 'can' and it's positive, negative and question forms.There will be some reading and listening practices to support the context.


Abc Colored cut outs about the trasportation
Abc Flash cards
Abc Cutting edge book pg 44&45

Main Aims

  • To provide SS the usage of 'Can' and 'Can't' and have practices about it.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a reading practice will reinforce the basic concept.


Stage 1(Lead- in/ Prepare SS for the grammar by pre-teaching vocabulary) (10-10 minutes) • To teach students the positive, negative and question forms of 'Can' and 'Can't'.Pre-teaching some vocabulary to prepare SS for the reading.

- Show SS some pictures about what people can and can't do in Istanbul. Elicit for each picture from students . Give couple of examples of yourself like, I can take a walk or I can't ride a bicycle on the high way. CCQ to see if they are familiar with the context. - Then teach the grammatic order for positive, negative and negative forms. Make sure to have CCQ to elicit the meaning and then the Form and do a quick activity for the pronunciation.

Stage 2 (Reading Practice) (20-20 minutes) • To provide SS reading and have some fun activities to reinforce the text.

- Give SS the small reading about Karen, give them 3 min. to read individually and ask them where is she ? and where does she wants to go? to find out if the instructions and the reading is clear with the SS. - Stick the four cut out options outside of the classroom that she should choose in order to catch her flight at the right time.Give SS pg44 ex 2's chart as cut outs and then ask students to work in pairs go around, read and take notes. - Then the pairs wiil decide which way is the best for Karen to go to the JFK airport. At the end of discussion each group will announce what their answer is. - As a conclusion SS will listen to someone working out how she should travel and find out the rigth answer.

Stage 3 ( Listening &Writing Practices) (10-10 minutes) • To provide the SS more exercise to reinforce the format.

- Have students listen to pg 45 ex 1 and thick for things that Karen can do, cross for things that she can't do and question mark for the things that depends. - After listening ask SS to work in pairs to talk what they listen and ask them to have full sentence and monitor them carefully to see if they are having trouble while they are using the 'Can&Can't'. - Ask SS to do pg 45 ex 3, 5 sentences about things they can and can't do in Istanbul.They work in pairs to see if they write the same things.

Stage 4 (Reading practice) (5-5 minutes) • To provide SS another short reading practice to get the meaning out of an itinerary.

- Ask SS to read individually the Itinerary that the T will hand out .Then T asks them to answer three questions that are given in pg 45.1. Check in pairs.

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