David Norcross David Norcross

TP 5 - Book, Film, and TV Recommendations
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will listen to conversations about books, film, and TV, then focus on the vocabulary used in the conversations, and practice their own conversations about recommendations.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of lexis about books and TV in the context of recommendations to friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation with friends in the context of recommending books and TV.
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about books and TV in the context of friends giving each other recommendations.
  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about books and TV in the context of friends giving each other recommendations.


Warmer - Guess the Topic (3-4 minutes) • To get the Ss thinking about the topic of the programs

- Greet Ss, review names and tell them mine. - Show Ss pictures of the 4 books/films they will hear about. Ask Ss to talk in pairs or groups about what they think each is about. Paste the pictures to the board as a consistent visual. - WC feedback, elicit some discussion between Ss from different groups about their ideas.

Listening to Check Answers (6-8 minutes) • To provide the context of recommendations for TL and give Ss practice listening for gist

- Instruct Ss to listen to 4 people describing the books/films and ask them to check whether or not their answers were correct. Instruct them also to listen for whether or not the speaker enjoyed the book/film they're talking about. - Check understanding by asking Ss what they are going to listen for. - Play recording and keep a low profile while Ss listen. (- If necessary, play the recording a second time.) - WC FB, elicit topics of the shows, and ask Ss if they would like to read or watch anything mentioned.

TL Focus - Gap-fill and Listening to Check (7-8 minutes) • To stimulate Ss' thought about TL and prepare them to listen a second time to the text, then to listen for specific information

- Instruct Ss to fill in the gaps in the gap-fill with the word or phrase spoken on the recording. Work in pairs. - Listen to the recording again and fill in the blanks. Pause the recording and replay sections, or the whole recording if necessary. Ss check answers in partners. - Pass out answer keys for Ss to check their work.

Highlighting TL for books/TV/both (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the use of TL

- Write "a TV show," "both," and "a book" on the board, and ask Ss to stick cards with the TL on them under the right category on the board.

Question Form Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To reformulate TL into questions to prepare for freer practice

- Tell Ss to match questions to the form of their answers on the board. - Ss come up to the board and work together to match the questions. - Drill pronunciation of the questions briefly, individually and chorally.

Controlled Practice with TL about Books/TV shows (6-7 minutes) • To give Ss a chance to test the TL in a controlled setting

- Model sentences for Ss using personal example of House of Cards. - Ask Ss to find their own example(s) and talk about them using TL, including question forms, with a partner. - Monitor unobtrusively, and correct errors in TL by eliciting.

Freer Practice with TL (11-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice using TL in a conversational context with multiple partners

- Remove TL cards from the board, and instruct Ss to find a new partner and talk to them about their book or TV show. - Ss move next to a new partner, asking questions and answering them appropriately. - Monitor and record errors for WC FB.

Whole Class Feedback (4-6 minutes) • To allow Ss to correct their own errors

- Write some incorrect sentences on the board, and asks Ss to correct the with a partner. - WC FB

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