Everyday Life
Elementary level


In this lesson SS will be able to practice about daily routines that they learnt from the previous lesson. The activities that they are going to have will help them to understand the concept better.The new vocabulary will also make their life easier in order to have a proper conversations with each other.


Abc Gap-filling handouts
Abc Photocopies of student book
Abc Colored game papers
Abc Colored flash cards

Main Aims

  • Speaking and listening about daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • Lexis


Stage 1( Warm up/Lead in ) (3-5 minutes) • To see what they are going to remember from the previous class.

- Give students Gap-filling handouts and ask them to work in pairs. Then do it with the whoel class. Drill once.

Stage 2(Pre-teach vocabulary) (10-10 minutes) • To check that the SS know some useful vocabulary before moving on the activity.

- Try to draw a word cloud by eliciting the verbs/words in p 31 ex 1 from the SS. Write 'Daily Routine' in the middle and create the word cloud. Use miming/ show colored flash cards to get their attention. - Give p 31 to each student. Ask them to do ex 1. Demo for couple of things that you do and then tell them to tick for the things they do and cross over the things that they don't do.Drill each vocabulary once.

Stage 3(Practicing the new vocabularies/Speaking about the daily life) (15-15 minutes) • To make the SS feel comfortable speaking about their daily life with the new inputs and build it up by activities.

- Ask students to do ex 2. Check in pairs to see if they are the same or different than each other. - Write on the board ' Every Monday I ...'mime your day to SS. The SS have to call out what's happening, point at the clock to show what time these actions happen. Do it twice. - Ask SS to work in pairs. Student A mimes out their day, student B has to give running commentary about what they do every Saturday.

Stage 4(Speaking & Writing practices) (10-10 minutes) • To get SS write some basic statements about themselves about the daily life and try to get them more interactive with the speaking activities.

- Demo with one of the student and then ask them to do ex 3. The students will work in pairs to ask&answer their typical day. - Ask SS to do ex 4. let them know that they'll be asking the questions on the right side of the page. They can add questions if they like. Monitor them while they are interacting. - Ask SS do ex 5. You give some examples from your own. they will work individually. Monitor them and help if needed. Help them correct any errors.

(Stage 5)Vocabulary activity( Getting a Feedback) (5-5 minutes) • To make sure that the SS get the concept well with a fun activity.

- Before ending the class, give students some fun put in order activity with the colorful papers which has the Daily life pictures on them. Do this activity for a short time.This will make you get some feedback from the SS and see how much your class was effective.

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