Noor Al Imam Noor Al Imam

starters level


In this lesson, students will learn about clothes as well as how to use How much..? and to say the prices.


Abc vocabulary
Abc gap-fill hand out
Abc Game

Main Aims

  • To know the vocabulary of clothes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To use how much (is/are)...?


lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage the students to the topic

T will say "I'm wearing jeans, shoes, jacket and a pullover. What about you?. T will elicit answers from the students. T will write the new words on the right side of the blackboard

Vocabulary (4-6 minutes) • To clarify the name of clothes

T will show students handouts for exercise 1a telling them to work in pairs to look at the pictures and fill in the gaps from the words in the box. T will tell students to check their answers while listening to the recording. T will play the recording for exercise 1.82 so students will check their answers. T will say the clothes word from the box and students will repeat. T will ask students to look at the words for 1 min to remember the words. T will ask them to turn the page. T will show pictures of clothes and students will answer.

practicing useful language (4-6 minutes) • To practice the target language.

T will draw on the whiteboard three columns (Men, Woman, Both), T will divide the class into two groups, giving each group seven cards of clothes names. Students will come to the whiteboard to put each card in the right group.

exposure of the functional langauge (6-8 minutes) • To provide the target language in writing

T will write three sentences on the whiteboard about what to wear, e.g: I often wear jackets, I sometimes wear skirts, I never wear ties. T will ask students to write on their notebooks three sentences about themselves. T will ask students to work in pairs to see if anyone has the similar sentences. T will ask the students in pairs to ask "what do you have to wear at home or at school, or at a party? Students will ask each other when they finished, T will a student what does his partner wear at home? SS will give their answers.

How much (is/are) (4-6 minutes) • To distinguish how to use How much (is/are) with clothes

T will explain how to say 'a pair of jeans/ trousers' using the picture of jeans on the whiteboard. T will say that "How is..." for singular and "How much are.....? for plural. T will say the price "It's 26 pound" or "They are 55 pound" T will give handouts asking students to fill in the gaps. Students will check their answers in pairs. We will answer the whole class.

Extra practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide to practice the use of the language

T will give students handouts about clothes and their prices on a printed table. There will be empty columns. T will ask them to work in two groups to ask about the missing price of the clothes. We will check answer in the whole class.

Speaking Extension (5-7 minutes) • To practice target productive skills

T will put clothes flashcards and their prices saying "How much is a cheap dress?" "It's 50 TL" T will give a handout telling them to ask and answer in pairs. T will monitor this activity and correct their mistakes.

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