Begüm Tufan Begüm Tufan

Intermediate level


In this lesson,students learn about good at/bad at remembering through speaking on a memory quiz and tasks.The lesson starts with a brainstorming .This is followed by mingle activity like a mask balloon to keep themselves and meet each other,After this meeting,they will be able to measure the memory they have.After they compare each other,they will tell in the class by using functonal structure.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Memory

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about memory


Warmer-Lead in (5-10) (5-10 minutes) • To give students a chance to make a brainstorming

T elicits and uses to ICQ techniques to explain the meanings of the words and remind them a topic

Speaking for Accuracy (5-8 minutes)

T gives cutouts including some language functions about telling good at&bad at.Students work in pairs and make sentences with the words on the board and expressions on the cutouts.T gives feedback.

Speaking (First meeting at masked Ball) (5-10 minutes) • To energize and encourage all the class to speak willingly

T lets them walk around and asks them the questions about information they have behind the masks.

Speaking (5-8 minutes) • To let them talk each other and share how much they trust to their memory

After masked ball,ss take their seats and have a quiz about the information they met the people at the first time.Ss work in pairs and get the answers each other.While they are checking theirs answers,they will compare each other.While getting feedback,ss must tell who is better at remembering.

Speaking for Fluency (5-10 minutes)

T wants them to sit all students in the opposite and make 2 lines.When T writes a topic on the board,they will start talking aboutthose topics.After a limited time for each question,ss in one line will change so all students will be able to talk each other.

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