David Norcross David Norcross

TP 3 - Daily Routine Present Simple Verbs
Elementary level


In this lesson students will be presented with the same text as in Matt's lesson directly before, but this time with a focus on the present simple verb forms. Then they will practice wh- question forms.


Main Aims

  • To provide review of the present simple tense in the context of daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for talking about one's daily routine in the context of a casual conversation.


Find the Verbs Warmer (5-6 minutes) • To set the lesson context and make students aware of verbs

- Show Ss a copy of a worksheet with just the text from the interview on face2face pp. 22-23 and a couple pictures. - Instruct Ss to underline/highlight all the present simple verbs they can find in the interview. - Pair feedback. - Summon Ss to write the verbs they found on the board one-by-one.

MFP for simple present & conjugation table (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to subjects and the present simple verb form

- Ask CCQs to check understanding of the usage of this tense. - Put the sentence "I get up at 5 o'clock," on the board, and underneath it the sentence "I getting up at 5 o'clock," and elicit which one is right. Erase the 'getting up' sentence, and in the correct sentence underline the verb in one color and the subject in another. - Make a conjugation table, illustrating that I, you, we, you (pl), and they all use the same verb form. With a bracket after the whole table, illustrate that time adverbials are used after the subject and a simple present verb (but don't focus on this).

Writing Practice - Simple Present (10-12 minutes) • To provide practice writing about Ss own lives in the present simple

- Hand Ss a worksheet with three boxes, one labeled "you" and the other two labeled "partner 1" and "partner 2." Instruct the students to fill in the "you" box with sentences about themselves in the present simple. - After a couple minutes or as long as it takes for most students to complete a few sentences about themselves, put students in pairs and instruct them to read their sentences to their partner, and write what their partner says in the box "partner 1." Then switch partners and repeat for "partner 2." - WC feedback - call on a couple students to read sentences from themselves and their partners, and mark mistakes for FB.

Guessing and Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with listening practice for specific information regarding times.

- Model a sentence with option 1 / option 2 on the board so it's clear Ss should choose one. - Instruct Ss to guess the correct option on the worksheet. Pass out the worksheets. - Ss check in pairs. - Play the recording, Ss check their answers.

Wh- Questions (8-10 minutes) • To give students practice forming wh- questions correctly

- Use the basic two words in a question along with fingers to elicit the whole question from Ss. - Show Ss the worksheet and instruct them to put the words in order and make correct sentences. - After a few minutes Ss check with partners. - WC feedback.

Free Practice (Ask and Respond) and FB (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice asking and answering wh- questions

- Instruct Ss to ask each other the wh- questions with a partner and give their responses. - Switch partners. - Monitor for mistakes to board. - WC FB mistakes on board.

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