Cates TP1-Family Tree
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will be given a copy of a family tree. They will be divided into 2 main groups, each of which will have a worksheet. The worksheet will give clues as to half of the names on the family tree. After each group solves their half, they will work together to solve the remainder.


Abc Cutting Edge 2C - The family
Abc Cutting Edge Worksheet A and B

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled practice of family vocab, possessive's, and have/has got

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide chance to work on integrated skills of reading, listening, and speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show photos of my family, and explain that the topic will be about family relationships.

Clarification of Instructions (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of the task of completing the family tree worksheets

I'll show the family tree, split them into 2 groups (and further into pairs, within the groups), then pass out the worksheets.

Task 1 (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will work in pairs and put the names on the tree. Then pairs will check with other pairs from same group. I will monitor to ensure both groups have got their answers correct.

Task 2 (8-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to practice asking questions

Students will swap groups and determine the answers for the remaining halves of their family tree sheet by asking questions from their partners.

Checking answers (9-9 minutes) • To review the entire family tree and check their answers

I will draw the tree up on the board and then review the right answers by asking them to feed me those answers aloud as I write.

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