Omar Alderbas Omar Alderbas

Breaking News
Intermediate - B1 level


This lesson gives ss the opportunity to improve their vocabulary in the context of newspapers and use this vocabulary to talk about the newspapers in their countries. Ss read pieces of information about newspapers all over the world and discover some surprising facts about the newspapers.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in vocabulary related to newspapers and to give controlled, semi-controlled and freer practice in the TL throughout the context of "Breaking News".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To get the ss to practice the TL in reading and speaking about newspapers.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to orientate ss to the topic.

I will write the topic on the w/b like this (Br_ _ _i_g n_ _s) and stick tow pictures of different newspapers onto the w/b and bring a newspaper to the class. I will ask the ss: - who knows what these are ? (pictures of newspapers) - can you guess the missing letters ?

Reading for detail (8-10 minutes) • To find more detailed information from the text

I will ask the ss: what do you know about newspapers in other countries? I will hand out the True/False sentences and get the ss to discuss the statements(in pairs) whether they are True or False. ICQ: are you going to match between sentences? ICQ: are you going to work in groups or in pairs? (I will be monitoring without interfering) As ss finish, I will give them the "Did you know?" text(on papers) to read and check their answers. ICQ: what are you going to do? *Once the ss start reading, I will draw the mind map on the w/b and put the word "newspaper" in the middle. Then draw spokes leading to circles for the following sub-headings: "people who work on newspapers", "things in a newspaper", "section of a newspaper" and "words to describe newspapers". I will take w/c FB and ask the ss if they were surprised by anything. I will discuss the following questions with w/c: - Who owns the newspapers and TV stations in your country? - Which TV station do you think gives the best news coverage in your country?

Pre-teach vocabulary (7-9 minutes) • TO familiarize the ss with the vocabulary before the reading

I will ask the ss to give me one word for each sub-reading "as an example" and write them on the w/b. I will devide the ss into 4 groups and get each group to appoint a "secretary" to do all the writing. I will give each group one of the sub-headings (every sub-heading will be written one one paper) and get them to brainstorm words connected to their categories about newspapers. (I will bring some candy before the lesson) and I will say: the group that writes the biggest number of correct words will take the candy. - ICQ: the "secretaries": raise your hands please (I will be monitoring without interfering) Once time is up, I will get a S from each group to the w/b to write their words on the right place on the mind-map. I will get the ss to explain words to each other if their peers don't know and check that all the words are in the correct place and relevant to find out who the winners are and give them the candy.

Focus on the TL(vocabulary) -meaning (11-13 minutes) • To use the TL through the context

I will give the ss the words (from the box in vocabulary ex1) on papers and get them to discuss (in pairs) if they know these words and encourage them to explain them to each other. ICQ: what are you going to do with these words? (I will be monitoring) After ss finish the discussion, I will focus on the form and pronunciation(drilling) I will give them the text (from ex1) and tell them before handing out the papers: I want you to read the text quickly to answer the questions: - which 2 famous UK newspapers is the text about? - what are the main differences between the 2 newspapers? I will assure them not to worry about the gaps(just read and answer the questions) and then peer-check. And I will take w/c FB. ICQ: are you going to fill in the gaps? I will get the ss to work (in pairs) to put the vocabulary into the gaps. ICQ: now, are you going to fill the gaps? ICQ: which words are you going to use? As ss finish, I will get them to check against the answer keys(They will be stuck under the tables with Blu Tak) and get them to check with other pairs. I will ask them: are there still any difficult words? If yes, I will ask someone else to explain them to the others and then I will explain them if they are not clear.

Speaking - freer practice on the TL (6-8 minutes) • To use the TL in speaking

I will give the ss the questions in ex2 and let them discuss their ideas (in pairs) (I will be monitoring) Once ss finish, I will take some general w/c FB about their answers.

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