Hamza Alraei Hamza Alraei

Possessive 's
Elementary A1+ level


In this lesson, the Ss will be presented with possessive 's in the context of families. They will distinguish between possessive 's and apostrophe 's in contraction. The Ss will review and practice family vocabulary. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information and speaking for fluency.


Main Aims

  • To introduce Possessive 's in the context of families and to help Ss distinguish between this and apostrophe 's in contractions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice in the context of family vocabulary. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information and speaking for fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (7-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Review the relationships from the previous lesson. Go through examples with the class. Students do exercise 5 on their own using the family tree to help them. Do some FB

Grammar (12-15 minutes) • To clarify rule for using possessive 's.

From the previous exercise (ex.5), on the board elicit the rule of possessive 's. Elicit what it means Put more sentences with contracted version of is & has got Ss do ex6, elicit what 's means in each case. Give ex4 from the wkbk- do some FB- let them write answers on w/b- get them to decide what each 's means.

Exposure/Listening (12-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through listening for specific information.

Focus Ss on the pictures on p 17, set the context ex 9 a Set Ss into PW to guess about the people Ss listen and check ex 9b- peer check with other Ss, Do some FB Get Ss look at ex 9c, get them to listen and check- take FB

Controlled Practice (10-13 minutes) • To concept check and prepare Ss for more meaningful practice. To gauge Ss knowledge of the target language (relationships)

Set ex 11 Give Ss time to prepare their lists, they swap papers, make Q & A (age, job, married) monitor for use of TL, make notes of any errors, Take some FB on what Ss learnt about their partner's families.

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