Alvin Özağazar Vardar Alvin Özağazar Vardar

Tp1 vocabulary lesson, relationships
Intermediate level


In this lesson ss learn about the vocabulary on different types of relationships through freer practice based on some vocabulary exercises and a listening task.The lesson starts with a discussion through the pictures which shows different types of relationships. This is followed by drawing a table on the board to learn and remember vocabs about family relations.Then learners do a couple of vocabulary exercises and mind mapping where they also practice non-familial relationships. Finally students do a listening exercise related to the target language and topic of the lesson where they also practice speaking in PW.


Abc stick figures, HO with relationships words, HO for listening activity,CB Audio Cd.

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice vocab related to different types of relationships

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give opportunity for ss to use the TL through freer practice


1.Warmer/ Lead in (1-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows some pictures of people in different relationships. T ask about the pictures.

2. A board Activity (1-5 minutes) • to review and learn more about family relationships words

T writes a title on the board T next draws a table with 3 colums SS draw the table on their notebooks Ss do PW and they write male,female,neutral words related to family

3.Family vocab cards (1-5 minutes) • test eachother with the family relationships words

T gives instructions T asks ICQs T demo T passes HO T monitors T feedbacks

4.Mind Mapping (1-5 minutes) • Elicit other relationships words

T draws a mind map on the board T asks other non familial relationships words T demos T prompts

5.Unscrambling words 6. Relationships Categorization Table 7. Listening exercise (1-15 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T gives instructions T asks ICQs T demos T asks CCQs T monitors T gives feedback T plays the audio cd ss discuss

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